Pray BFF#15 December 22, 2001
Dear Prayer Team,
We wish you a Blessed Christmas! What would life be like without God's love shown through Christ's birth? Like beautiful color without light, so is life without the love of God. Christmas is the celebration of God's love and light brought into the world!
God is continuing to do great things through the seminar. Many people have stated how clear and helpful the seminar has been. We are at the same time both humbled and delighted that God would indeed release His mighty truths to His people. God Himself is moving and teaching through His Spirit. So far we have seen two lives greatly transformed. Your prayers are being answered! Paul will teach the last five sessions of Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God starting in January. { Click to see the seminar material).
We want also want to thank you for your extra prayers for our family. We have seen a number of special works of God in the last two weeks both in our family and in ministry. Last night Paul was sharing with Linda how his heart was filled with praise at the 'great works of God.'
We are taking a quick trip to New England after Christmas for a family reunion on Linda's side.
Elizabeth has been challenged with her recent three week temporary job baby sitting for a Chinese speaking family!
Continue to focus prayer on the development of discipleship training materials. We are excited that Pastor Hugo at the Chinese Church has a vision for a discipleship training center. May God give grace and accomplish His great will.
Thanks to God!
Requests to God
Praise God for significantly working in hearts during the seminar sessions. Paul is so touched at how God is helping people.
The talk on Dec. 7th went very well. The 40 minute Q&A time was dominated by many good questions from new people.
Thanks be to God for cautioning Paul one day this week early in the morning that he would not be able to follow his regular work schedule. It was so true. Both the morning and afternoon were virtually filled with special work from the Lord. He had special peace while on both of these special assignments.
Thanks that our car battery went dead at home rather than when Linda or Elizabeth was out.
We are very thankful for the brothers who diligently help set up, record, and tape the seminar.
Another person suddenly saw how worry had built up fear and rage within and was enabled to turned from it to God's great love!
Give thanks for provision of a larger storage device (80 gb) which allows Paul to start working on combining the seminar slide shows with audio.
Thanks for Elizabeth's temp job.
We have survived this calendar year including a new ministry and baby! We have seen God provide so faithfully, often carefully training us. We have had no grants or loans, but have depended upon God's special means of providing usually through gifts from His people.
Our prayer for each attendee is that God would give them a testimony of His greatness to bring His peace to their lives.
Continue to pray for more openings to teach this seminar.
Ask the Lord that the "Love not Lust" series will be completed on time (end of December) - preferably before our trip.
Pray that the equipment would continue to be available to use and protected from harm.
Pray for wisdom and abundant grace as Paul starts learning how to make movies/slideshows of the seminar on the computer. He has not done this before!
Readership is down in this busy month but still join in praying that God's Spirit would significantly touch each reader .
Paul really needs much guidance and help in managing the numerous tasks awaiting him.
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