PrayBFF#9 August 23, 2001
Dear Prayer Team,
God's love is everlasting! His love continually streams forth much like the sun rays sent from the faraway sun enrich our lives. One day I was challenged to review our motives for service. Are our goals indeed to glorify God in every aspect? I mean here, not the goals written down in our purpose statement, but those goals in my very own heart.

May God continue to aid me in living for His glory. In whatever way I deceive myself, then I am setting a crack in the foundation of my own life and ministry. This reminds me of the large new bridge in Boston that failed inspection. Part of the cement work was done improperly and so the firm has to redo that section. What trouble and great cost is needed for that bridge to be used! May the work in our lives be done right the first time.
We praise God that this ministry's foundation is Him. We are ever dependent upon Him for guidance, wisdom and strength. If there are faults and flaws, they are because of our weaknesses, but those things that are true, honest, lovely, pure and good, indeed are from Him alone.
Thanks to God!
Requests to God
We want to thank the Lord that not only Allison but now Daniel has come to know the Lord Jesus Christ!
Praise God for continuing to work through the series, "Walking with Jesus" in Paul's life.
Thanks for the privilege to speak God's Word on 'Walking with Jesus' in Massachusetts.
Praise God for giving us safe travels as we visited families and friends in the New England area. We sensed we were like the Israelites coming out of Egypt protected by the cloud cover.
Pray for God to build up godly men from Japan, Singapore and Latin America.
Paul is working on the second of the series 'The Godly Man' this week. Each one will cover a particular aspect of a godly man along with a relevant application. This month: "Fear God, not Man." Pray for testimonies to be sent in.
Please pray for strategic opportunities to speak.
Pray for Christy as she teaches at Children's Institute this week. She serves as an assistant in teaching 6 three hour session
May God's Spirit powerfully touch each web visitor with His Spirit's presence and working.
Elizabeth needs guidance to find God's place to work this year.
Linda is due in the middle of October.
Paul is facing a decision that doesn't lend to resolving itself. |
Your prayers enable us to more diligently live for God's glory.
Serving Together for the Glory of God,
Paul and Linda
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BFFPray#1 3/18/01
BFF Pray#2 4/04/01
BFF Pray#3 4/24/01
BFF Pray#4 5/14/01
BFF Pray#5 6/02/01
BFF Pray#6 6/19/01
BFF Pray#7 7/79/01
BFF Pray#8 7/25/01
BFF Pray#9 8/23/01
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