PrayBFF#8 July 25, 2001
Dear Prayer Team,
The Lord continues to awe me. He has initiated yet another series for our website! I am excited about many of the different subjects we cover, but this one seems to be most appropriate for the average Christian who desires to grow. The Lord asked me to cut back on listening to a regular news program and to concentrate on meditating on His word instead. Out of this time I have been growing in such astonishing ways. They are not all victory stories. I have never had such grief day after day. But the joy that comes is greater than the grief. You can read more on the web.

The "Walking with Jesus" series is already uploaded. I have made it an open series so that others can send in their contributions. The thought behind this series is to teach and illustrate the meaning of 'abide in Christ' (from John 15). I always had a hard time understanding the word 'abide,' but the situations the Lord has put me in and the teachings He has been passing on have greatly clarified this.
Thanks to God!
Requests to God
We desperately need volunteer editors.
Pray for 100,000 men by a year's time to commit themselves to godly living. Not much response so far.
Paul will be sending out the first of the series 'The Godly Man' this week. Each one will cover a particular aspect of a godly man along with a relevant application. This month: righteousness and compromise. We really need more outside testimonies to make this meaningful.
Our family is excited about the backyard Bible Club going on this week. LInda and I are deeply moved to see how Elizabeth and Christy have initiated and planned the whole thing as well as the way they work together so well. (I need to ask them to keep the laughter down -next to my study.) Interestingly the 2 hottest days of the year were the last two days. No kids around. But they endured and learned. Hopefully more children will come for the next couple of days.
Pray for clear attention to the Lord's leading on several matters.
Pray for God's Spirit to powerfully touch each web visitor with His Word.
We thank the Lord for your prayers. God is wonderfully blessing our family. We have experienced significant spiritual breakthroughs in at least 3 members of our family Dad, Mom, and Allison.
Praise God for the new and totally unplanned series, "Walking with Jesus."
Visits to the web site continue to increase.
Praise God for providing such a wonderful time in Indianapolis at the Anger Resolution Seminar. Paul is almost ready to put up a number of web pages dealing with anger.
Our trip was so great because Elizabeth and Christy took such good care of the children. We are so thankful for their willingness to serve and in the responsible way they carried it out.
We have decided to hold off the Youth web site project until further confirmation.
The "Gathering Before His Throne" series on Zephaniah is now uploaded. This Bible study has greatly increased and clarified my desire for revival.
Serving Together for the Glory of God,
Paul and Linda
Biblical Foundation for Freedom Homepage
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BFF Pray#8 7/25/01
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