Pray BFF#32 October 2, 2002
Dear Prayer Team,
Project Flood
From the very beginning, God has generously poured out ideas, methods, wisdom and help to build up BFF web pages. We give our heart-felt thanks to Him. Praise Him! And still they come! Like a river at flood tide, ideas come with force and clarity. These projects include:
A Parenting Series {Two pages are done. This series will be a lengthy one}.
So many parents, new and old, are barely surviving parenthood. Many think they are parenting with a Christian influence but in fact have adopted the methods and values of the surrounding culture. They are sinking fast. The best way to save a ship is to keep it from having any holes in it in the first place!
Isaiah Series {Almost done. About 10-15 pages. Introduction as well as specific studies}
BFF's vision is to introduce books of the Bible in a interesting manner. We want people to 'master' books of the Bible for life-changing application not just acquired head knowledge.
Secular Series {Started. Now have 5 pages. Overlaps with projects like parenting}
Part of this series reveals how adulterous God's people have become. By identifying our sins, we can see the harm of these worldly affections, repent and turn back. Most Christians in the Western world are now 'practical atheists.' They say they are Christians but live like the secular world.
Song of Solomon - Stepping into Intimacy Series { About 10 pages; now on hold}
This series was started during 'half' vacation time and might have to wait for the next break before more can be done! How wonderful and enjoyable this study is. But patience is needed.
Advanced Discipleship Training Material {Started. Very in depth pages}
This is the series that trains a person to have the passion, skill and knowledge of God's Word that enables him to be like Christ in His love for God and service to mankind. This is challenging. Since the main curriculum interweaves many of BFF's other materials, hundreds of carefully placed links become indispensable.
Will you please pray with us?!
You can see how we are at capacity and overflowing with ideas. We feel like a waterwheel turning from one project to another depending on how the Lord is leading. Pray for clear guidance from the Lord, wisdom, insight, humbleness of soul and great desperate dependence upon God.
I suppose it helps being flooded over. Restrained. Stretching out an arm for help to guide us through otherwise uncharted waters. In the end we know it is the Lord at work and not ourselves.
Thanks for your prayers!
Thanks to God!
Requests to God
The overall intro to the Gospel of John was used of the Lord in people's lives. Even a non-Christian couple expressed how much it helped them.
Thank the Lord for His grace upon this ministry. We are humbled by His mighty leading. He alone is to be praised!
Praise God for the 13,000+ pageviews for September. We are nearing our goal of 500 pageviews daily but not there yet.
We are thankful for the near completion of the Isaiah series. They reveal how judgment is marvelously interweaved into God's redemption plan.
Thanks to God that the Study on Revival - Zephaniah had several hundred pageviews in September. May God revive us indeed!
Thanks that our families' health has been fine. Rebekah turns one year in October.
Pray for clarity and dependence upon the Lord to know what to write each day.
Pray for Pastor Stephen in India that God would raise up disciples and that God's Spirit would greatly move in their midst.
Paul is excited by the opportunity to lead the video series "The Seven Laws of the Learner" by Bruce Wilkinson, this semester at church.
May God's Spirit touch the heart of every person reading BFF materials.
M&M, seem very close to becoming Christians. We are having weekly conversations with them about God's Word.
So many people are having marital problems, but very few want to humble themselves to ask God for help. What prideful people we are. May God have mercy on these decaying families and bring them back to His good ways.
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