PrayBFF#11 October 1, 2001
Dear Prayer Team,
Since the recent tragedy, a lot more people have been visiting our website looking for material to help them cope with their anxiety. I realize that there is very little relevant Biblical information on how to overcome anxiety/worry. We attempt to hide it rather than dealing with it. People just don't have solutions.
Because of this, I have felt burdened to develop a seminar entitled
"Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God."
God's Word is so relevant to our needs. When God frees us from personal difficulties such as anxiety, then we have a powerful testimony that moves even the hearts of those of the post-modern mindset. I hope it can be used to reach out to non-Christians too.
Thanks to God!
Requests to God
Praise God for the completion of the September's Godly Man series, "Pure Heart, not Divided." These studies have challenged my own heart.
"Purity of heart is an examination of our lives at the heart level. Righteousness describes our activities; fear of God touches our attitudes and behaviors, but purity speaks about the way we utilize our heart. In a sense, it is the most strategic of all examinations for the loyalties of the heart betrays its loves."
Our family has been relatively well. We even thank the Lord for good eyesight for Christy and the other children down (so far no glasses even though both of us have poor eyesight).
Thanks to the Lord for the 350+ pages on BFF's web site. If we consider March as the start up date, by God's grace (and I mean that!), We have been producing about 50 pages per month.
We were able to create a better organized index.
Pray for God's Spirit to effectively work through the 70 pages being read each day by BFF's readers especially those needing peace and deliverance. If it seems difficult to pray, just think how God has helped you when you have read a book. Pray for this blessing upon these readers.
Pray for wisdom as Paul thinks how and where to offer this seminar.
Linda's sleep is very erratic due to baby overload! Pray for strength. Early signs of coming arrival are beginning to be evident.
Paul's October edition for "The Godly Man" is on "Humility, not Pride." This one is tough to properly write. Paul needs lots of help from the Lord.
Pray for wisdom and God's leading as he develops the seminar on overcoming anxiety.
We still need volunteer editors. |
"When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Thy consolations delight my soul." Psalm 94:19"
Your prayers are so important to us!
Serving Together for the Glory of God,
Paul and Linda
Biblical Foundation for Freedom Homepage
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BFFPray#1 3/18/01
BFF Pray#2 4/04/01
BFF Pray#3 4/24/01
BFF Pray#4 5/14/01
BFF Pray#5 6/02/01
BFF Pray#6 6/19/01
BFF Pray#7 7/79/01
BFF Pray#8 7/25/01
BFF Pray#9 8/23/01
BFF Pray#10 9/11/01
BFF Pray#11 10/1/01
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