Crossing the line
What does it feel like to cross that finish line?
Or rephrased more applicably, "Why should I run this race? What do I have to gain from being pure?" On the one hand, this question can be very self-seeking and reveals one's unwillingness to be pure. However, there is a good aspect to this question that needs to be clearly answered.
So many people have experienced such brokenness that they do not have a vision for what is good. They only see sadness and despair. After what has happened in their lives, they see no reason for pursuing sexual purity. They think, "It is too late for me. Not much good can come out of it now." Divorces are final. Children have suffered. Bodies have been ruined.
But what prisoner denied that there was such a thing as freedom? The very definition of captive is the lost of freedom. The question is not whether sexual purity can benefit our lives. The problem is that because we have not experienced it, we do not know how to treasure God's design. The song writer says,
"Restore our captivity, O LORD,
As the streams in the South."
Psalms 126:4, NASB
Join with us as we follow on in this section and look at what makes sexual purity so wonderful whether one is single, divorced or married.

We might now be like a barren water bed. No life. Deadness. But the gaining of sexual purity is like bringing the streams of the South to our barren lives. Not as much time is needed as expected to restore a person to a flourishing life. In the early days of ecology, people wondered whether polluted streams could at all be restored. The proof of several restored streams and lakes instilled hope to a new generation that what was lost does not need to be forever given up.
Restoration is not only possible but a wonderful and exciting journey. God promises a new life for those who turn to His ways. God never lies.