Taking our sins seriously
Confessing our sins thoroughly shows that we are humbled and repentant. Only when we feel the full weight of our sin, do we search for a through forgiveness for all of our sins. If we only wanted to confess one or two more troublesome sins that we feel guilty about, then we treat our sin lightly. God had His Son die for the 'little' and 'big' sins. He did not overlook our sins as many think but instead placed the penalty of all of the sins of His people upon Christ Jesus. The penalty for our sins was death and so He died hanging on the ignominious cross.
The reason we want to be thorough in seeking cleansing and freedom from our sin is to maximize the effectiveness of the work of Jesus on the cross.

There are two prideful responses to our sins. Either we treat our sins too lightly or too heavily. When we treat them lightly, we do not confess our sins. We ignore them as most people. When we treat them too heavily, then we act as if our sins cannot be forgiven at all. We stay under their guilt and burden.
The prideful response to a heavy load of sin is to seek our way of healing which is normally through:
- penance,
- doing extra works, and
- sulking in remorse.
We instead are called by God to repent from and grieve over the wrong. Confession to Christ would then allow us to work through our healing process by
1) fixing our eyes on God's real solution rather than our faulty attempt through self-works, and
2) restoration rather than perpetuating our grief and focusing on our feelings.
We have sinned. We have done wrong. But the good news is that we are forgiven through Christ. We need to live in that joyful and grateful spirit of forgiveness and so treat others.
The Lord wants His people to have joy in Him after confession.
"Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation" (Psalm 51.12)