If we are going to run well, we may as well face it that we need good and new equipment. A person is not going to be able to run his best with those old running shoes. They have holes in them. In order to get the benefit of the new running shoes, we must take the old ones off, break the new ones in and then keep them on!
Sex education classes have seduced us into thinking God has nothing to do with sexuality. But it is the earliest words in the Bible that declare that God created sexuality. |
We have to remember we have developed our perspective of human sexuality through many different means. Much of it was negative. Probably most of it was wrong. If we learned our stuff prior to sex education classes, then we often learned it from friends, magazines and television. If we took sex education classes, then more than likely we were taught sexuality without God. In truth sex education taught apart from God's design and purpose creates more problems than it solves because people then are confident they have the right view. At least the older generation were not so assertive and vocal about their views. We need to understand these views if we are to lay a new foundation.
Sex education classes have stripped away the value of being of a certain sex because they have stripped God out of the process. To some ones sexuality is accidental. As a result, people are beginning to seek sex changes to change their lifestyle. God would want that we cherish the gender that He had originally made us. |
Have you ever tried fixing something? You buy the new part ... but as much as you try, it just does not work. It doesn't fit because you have the wrong part. In the same way, we cannot fix our life problems because we are using the part. If our understanding was right, then our lives would improve. We know our views are messed up because our lives are messed up! |
So let us look together at the two general views on sources for the viewpoints we might have on sexual matters. => |