Romans: Laying a Solid FoundationThe Bible Teacher's Commentary Paul J. BucknellRomans 16 & Romans Review & Handout
Some say Paul looked down upon women. By just observing the comments he makes in chapter 16, how can we respond to them ?
He did not mention everyone nor even perhaps everyone he knew. He included a great variety of people perhaps all from different house churches and perhaps reminding them of their common heritage with others even though differing in certain teachings (Ro 14) or backgrounds (eg. Jew-Gentile).
One would think that this theologian par excellence, this logician, master of argument, both being a driven and called man would be a little weak on the relational side of things. You know how it goes. One dives into purpose and doesnt come out until it is accomplished. But Paul the apostle had a great affection and wonderful love for the Romans. One might attribute (though wrongly) that he was primarily trying to impress the Romans with his theology but this just does not match up with this last chapter and the personal concern portrayed here. Paul was not carried away with the teaching to such a degree that he lost sight for the purpose of the gospel and that was to reconcile man with God. (1)
APOSTLES?Two Interpretations for Romans 16:7
"Soon crushed" implies he still is at large able to hurt and wound.
Strengthening according to God's Word,
not an experience or a trip to heaven.
25 Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery which has been kept secret for long ages past, 26 but now is manifested, and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the eternal God, has been made known to all the nations, leading to obedience of faith; 27 to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be the glory forever. Amen
Where in Romans is Gods grand purpose discussed? How is this related to salvation? |
25 Now to Him ... to the only wise God,
through Jesus Christ,
be the glory forever. Amen
What is the ultimate purpose of all things?
How is this to be done?
How is the introduction to Romans connected with its main outline? |
(25) Him who is able
to establish you
according to my gospel and
the preaching of Jesus Christ
Who is able to establish us firmly? Where is our confidence?
What are the two means we are to be established? Isnt this limited?
Where in Romans does Paul deal with the issue of Jews and Gentiles (nations)? What is his argument(s)? |
gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ,
according to the revelation of the mystery
which has been kept secret for long ages past,
26 but now is manifested,
and by the Scriptures of the prophets,
according to the commandment of the eternal God,
has been made known to all the nations,
leading to obedience of faith
Why is there this emphasis on revelation and mystery?
Why is there a stress on the nations?
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(1) Not sure the origination of this quote. If you know, please let me know.