The Gospel of John
~ Studies on Strengthening our Christian Faith ~
Are there lukewarm Christians around you that think the world has more to offer than Jesus? Do you find that people are more interested in what the LCD screens are showing than Jesus. Perhaps it is time to look again at Jesus and see what He really brings to our lives.
The best way to strengthen our faith is to abolish doubt. The best way to eliminate doubt is to establish our faith by allowing the truth of God to confront our minds and hearts.
Jesus at once cuts through the emptiness of secularism and brilliantly portrays the glory of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John. Notice John's purpose statement in John 20:30-31.
A. The Purpose of the Gospel of John
B. The Power of the Gospel of John
C. The Penetration of the Gospel of John
D. The Plan of the Gospel of John
John 1:1-13 The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ
- In this introduction of John, the truths of the whole book are thrown before our eyes overwhelming our poor concept of Jesus Christ. Thirteen unique points contrasting Jesus Christ with humanistic philosophy in order to strengthen our faith and dismiss the deception of this materialistic age.
John 2:1-11 The Great Transformation: Biblical Perspective on Drinking and Drugs
- Many people are happy with life as it is. Some tolerate and even use religion. Some disdain it. They call it superficial and hypocritical. Jesus blows these two common life perspectives away by calling them to drop their old images of God and obedience and begin to see that following God is something wholly new and special. Why not get the biblical perspective on drinking and drugs here?
John 2:12-25 Opening Up Our Lives: Intimacy with God
- Our intimacy with God can go only as deep as our sin is put aside. Something serious had to happen to preserve this intimacy. It was the reason Jesus came to earth. God wanted so desperately to reach the heart of His people.
John 5:18-23 Affirming Christ's Deity
- Jesus here gives three clear affirmations of His deity. He didn’t tell the crowd not to assume His mention of God as His Father had nothing to do with His having the same nature of God and was God. Jesus did make Himself equal with God and clearly affirmed how He was equal with God the Father and worked along His side.
John 5:19-20 Christian Living by Understanding Christ's Mind
- Lots of people are thoroughly confused at what genuine Christianity is all about. Even many Christians erroneously think that Christ’s life is not very relevant to their own . John busts this self-reliant notion by identifying five activities of Christ as activities we ourselves should be involved in. Christ models how we ought to live.
- Lost that fresh love and zeal you had for Christ when you first came to know Him? Turn to Christ through His invitation here. The waters of living water are designed to continually flow through your lives making us the most joyful and loving people on earth.
John 8:32 Finding Life in God's Word
- We are only three steps away from God. You might have fallen away from the Lord or not even a Christian. We encourage you to seek God's love and power by studying three brief phrases from the Gospel of John.
John 10:30 I and Father are One
- Be careful. Jehovah Witnesses have a very limited arsenal when it comes to denying Christ's deity. However, they will ambush you with what they have! They seem to love to bring up problems with Jesus Christ being one with the Father.
John 12:20-36 The Investment of Your Life
- True success has to be determined by the abundance of good things as well as their duration. By giving up our old lives, we can then have a new life to live out God’s love. Jesus revealed here the greatest investment scheme of all. By His own life, Jesus proved that His method works. By His one life that was sacrificed, He enabled millions of people to have life and peace.
John 14:6 Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life
- We cannot think that others apart from Christ have a solution. We dare not stand around doing nothing when people are perishing. The truth is worth living and dying for. We have one life, and we must quickly eradicate every compromise of the truth that Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life. Each compromise is a twisting of the truth so that it is no longer truth. In order to be men of the Truth, we need to allow Jesus Christ fully reign in our minds and lives.
- I have always longed for deep friendship. It is rather embarrassing to discover in the middle of ones life one of the important causes for this. It is not that I had no friends; I had a lot of friends. But I longed for deep friends. I was rather surprised one of the first steps in becoming more intimate with Him was for Him to teach me about friendship. I sensed the Lord's presence as I thought through these penetrating words, "But I have called you friends."