Video Discipleship Training: Sesión #1
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity: Becoming an Overcomer -
Superando La Mediocridad: Volviendote un Vencedor
El Espíritu del Vencedor
Translated from English into Spanish
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell
Video Training: #1 Vencedor | #2 Elecciones | #3 Fuerza | #4 Ganar
#5 Ansiedad | #6 Orgullo | #7 Codicia | #8 Enojo
#9 Depresión | #10 Siendo un Vencedor
D2 Index | Spanish Main Training Index
Aprende a lidiar con la desesperanza ahora!
El Espíritu del Vencedor muestra la importancia de la esperanza y como obtener confianza en la Palabra de Dios para poder avanzar en nuestra madurez espiritual a una madurez plena.
Click video to view.
Reaching Beyond Mediocrity - Being an Overcomer
Superando La Mediocridad: Volviendote un Vencedor
Sesión #1 - Establishing Hope: Download: Video | Audio | Handout: - Spanish: pdf
Aplicación para la Vida
- Dios no nos ha dado tan solo nueva vida sino que trazó como debiéramos desarrollarnos espiritualmente!
- Hay 3 etapas de vida espiritual, análogas al crecimiento físico: niño, adolescente y adulto.
- La esperanza para el crecimiento Cristiano nos conecta con el propósito de Dios para nuestras vidas aún durante tiempos difíciles.
- La esperanza siempre puede ser hallada en la Palabra de Dios!
- Si somos un creyente genuino, entonces sabemos que Dios está trabajando activamente para que crezcamos
Questions to ponder:
- Why am I not spiritually growing anymore? What should I expect?
- One area of my life holds me back. How can I break through this?
- I want to grow but just do not know what to do next. What steps should I take?
- I feel bad about where I spiritually am right now. I am not sure anything can help me. Should I feel this way?
- I want to disciple others but do not know where to start or what to say. Can you help me?
- I have heard how God blesses others through His Word, but it is not often that way with me. Are there any special things to help me grow in my quiet times with God?

Purchase the BFF Spanish Christian library!
Check out the BFF Spanish Library available at our BFF Store. This either can be downloaded when you desire or can get on a double-sided Library or thumbdrive. Includes all our many Spanish resources. Free to adapt and use!
If you are from Central/South American, be sure to check our Seed Project for free resources (download only). |
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