Paul J. Bucknell
As a result, this generation's children have suffered. Lacking love, God's standards, self-discipline and a vision for godly living, they idle away their time, waste their cash and often defile their bodies. If it wasn't for distractions called television, movies and games, the parents would be forced to notice their mistakes much earlier on. As it is, parents assume their children who are controlled by modern media are safe from extreme dangers. Don't we know this is not true?
The material below is designed for two kinds of parents.
- (1) The parents who grew up in a generation knowing next to nothing of good parenting. They are looking on how to start a good family.
- (2) The parents who are trying to improve their parenting. Some are struggling, maybe on the verge of giving up. Others are trying to go back to the biblical foundations for parenting.
The BFF Parenting Library has all the Biblical Parenting Principles for Toddlers materials in printable form as well as the available Powerpoint slideshows and handouts for
Our own family has gone through most of the problems families face twice. With eight children, some fully grown and our youngest at 18 months, we can see the whole process at once. We see the results of what works and what doesn't work. But even more, we have carefully studied and applied God's Word to parenting. You will be astonished to see how clearly God cares for you by presenting you answers for your practical parenting problems with lots of charts and graphics!
Check below for the topics you might be interested in!
Parenting Challenges
Parenting Perspectives
Click for information |
Principles and Practices of Biblical Parenting– Raising Godly Children –Paul and Linda Bucknell |
#1 The Goals of Parenting | (Spanish)
Understand the key role God's goals for the family have in shaping godly children.
#2 One Great Team: Dad & Mom
The responsibility, need and ability for husbands to work along with their wives as teammates in order to produce godly children.
#3 Parental Authority
Understand the parents' responsibility to govern their children and to properly put it in effect in the home.
#4 Developing Self-Control in our Children
The need and means of cultivating self-control in our children from an early age in order that they may please God and focus on serving others.
#5 Child Training & Routines
Enable parents to understand, use and create effective routines to further the training of toddlers and older children.
#6 Correcting Your Children
Properly deal with disobedient children so that they might become joyful family members.
#7 Discipline & Use of Rod
A scriptural perspective of discipline and ways to properly administer the rod.
#8 Setting Boundaries
Set up, implement and maintain proper and effective boundaries for our children.
#9 Raising Godly Children
Applying biblical principles to provide proper spiritual care for our children.
#10 Developing Intergenerational Love
Enable parents to show God's love and truth to their own parents and in-laws during visits with each other.
#11 Restoring Older Children
Even though we have made mistakes, we must not give up on our teens and older children. Lots of advice stemming from biblical principles are given to enable you to restore your children to your loving authority.
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
(C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988