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Our Personal Calling (Titus 1:1)

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Godly Beginnings for the Family

Principles & Practices of Biblical Parenting
Practical and biblical advice on raising godly children from toddler age right up to teens.

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Godly Beginnings for the Family: Family Plans - Expecting - Arrival - Routines

Godly Beginnings for the Family

Family Plans - Expecting - Arrival - Routines

Paul and Linda J. Bucknell

Starting Families Right

Your little one is so cute, and you want to help your child get the best care right from the start. If we do things right from the beginning, then the quality of life is so much richer. Start right; end right.

Godly Beginnings for the Family

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We wrote this book to pass our biblical and practical insights on caring for infants. Just when we had our eighth child, we wrote this book. While it took us many years to gain these many insights, we want you to start off right – and easy. For example, learn how to have your baby sleep through the night fairly early on. Or, find out how to control your baby's hands when eating. So practical!

Godly Beginnings for the Family along with the questions at the end of each chapter make this material appropriate for discussion small group or a class with young families. Further description of Godly Beginnings for the Family below along with brief introduction of the authors' family.

Godly Beginnings for the Family (GBF) (219 pages)

Teaching Package – only $34.99 (top)

For teaching materials, refer to the BFF Parenting Digital Library, for only a bit more. This parenting digital library includes all our digital parenting reources including this e-book, the associated slides, handouts, and audio/video. It also includes our Principles and Practices on Biblical Parenting and that seminar resources. This is such a good deal compared to other parenting resources. Adapt handouts and print for no extra cost! Many other articles on parenting are also included.

Book introduction

Godly Beginnings for the Family

Starting Families Right (top)

Godly Beginnings for the Family overview

Family Commitment

Parents' attitudes greatly dictate whether their children will be godly or caught in the snares of the world.

Family Planning & Birth Control

God says much more about so-called family planning than the average Christian believes.

Husband & Wife Roles

Great families are those in which husband and wife embrace their responsibilities as defined in God's Word.

God's Family Health Plan

Once we start looking at the scriptures, we are astounded how much God speaks about our health. God really does care for us. We need only to obey.

Preparations for Childbirth

Childbirth is a miracle. Now if we would only stop interfering with God's ways our births would be better and easier.

Tender Newborn Care

Care for the mother and child afterbirth is important. Detailed suggestions as well as routines are provided for both Mom and baby.

The Challenge of Child Training

Now that we have the child, how do we effectively train up a godly child? Start young!

Disciplining and Training Small Children

Come discover how to properly use discipline in the training of your young children.

Setting up Godly Routines for Young Children

Routines is our key to building training into a child's life. It works with one or ten children.

About us! (top)

Bucknell family 2009We (Paul & Linda) have been married 35 wonderful years and have been raising children for all but one year!

These years have humbled and challenged us, taught and sanctified us. We still have four children at home, three of them being teens. We have homeschooled for about 30 years.

Family life has been enriching. The joy from our eight children deepens even further with visits from our four grandchildren.

We wanted to capture the main learning moments in our life with this book. We took a long time to learn these things and how God's Word impacts our lives. We hope you can learn and quickly profit from these life pointers shared in this book.


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Building A. Great Marriage
The Godly Man: When God Touches A. Man's Life
Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God
Cross Training Discipleship | Abiding in Christ: Walking with Jesus
Reaching Beyond Mediocrity | 3 X E: Discipling One to One
Principles and Practices of Biblical Parenting | Godly Beginnings for the Family
The Bible Teaching Commentary on Romans | Book of Romans: Bible Study Questions
Christian Premarital Counseling Manual for Counselors
Genesis | Titus | Taking Your Next Step | BFF e-Corner

BFF Library Collections
Family: Marriage | Parenting
Biblical: Old Testament | New Testament
Discipleship: D1 New Believers | D2 Young Believers | D3 Strong Believers
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