We are so thankful for these online translators. We cannot always keep up to date so if you spot a good free one not listed, please let us know.
Please note that at the top right of most BFF pages, like this one, has a place to change the language used.
BFF does have some translated materials. We are sorry it is not more. If you would like to volunteer your time, please let us know. Also provide a reference from your pastor.
Biblical Foundations for Freedom (BFF) does have much translated materials. Here are the languages we have some translated materials in. If you do not see your language here, why not email me about coming to offer a seminar there?
We appreciate any suggestions, advice, prayer, encouragement and support you can give us at Biblical Foundations for Freedom!
Your web servant - Paul Bucknell
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
(C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988