BFF Burmese Christian Training Library
English and Burmese
(Bamar - Myanmar language)
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell
Four Burmese Christian Sets of Video/Audio Training Materials
The BFF Burmese Digital Library!
Check out the BFF Burmese Digital Library filled with great Christian resourcess available at our BFF Store for friends and church workers. It now includes all our Burmese resources: audio, videos, handouts, powerpoints, and reading. The thumbdrive is discounted at $14.99! Free to adapt for your own ministry.
Those living in developing countries can see if they qualify for free materials including our Burmese library resources. Of course, everyone can have access to most of these materials here. |
Initiating Spiritual Growth in the Church

Purpose of this Discipleship Training Seminar
Provide quality Biblical teaching on discipleship in the Burmese language to help pastors, evangelists and church planters to understand and develop the growth of the church. 

D2 Burmese Video/Audio Discipleship Training Seminar
Reaching Beyond Mediocrity:
Being an Overcomer
Purpose of Discipleship 2: Reaching Beyond Mediocrity series shows the importance of hope and how to gain a strong confidence in God's Word so we can move on in their spiritual maturity towards the image of Christ. The first four lessons develop the foundation while the other lessons build upon that foundation as they treat special topics.

=> Go view or listen to the Discipleship 2 Library resources!
Burmese Building a Great Marriage

=> Go view or listen to these marriage resources!
Burmese Christian Video/Audio Teaching resources
=> Go view or listen to the Biblical Teaching resources!