Discipleship Studies Index

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Basic Discipleship Introduction and materials

Basic Step of Discipleship

Intermediate discipleship materials

Intermediate Step of Discipleship

Advanced Disciplehship

Advanced Step of Discipleship

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Ready for the ride?

Bible study on 'False Confidence'

Truth that transforms!

Developing Confidence in the Truth

Basic Discipleship Stage
Basic discipleship stage and BFF materials.
Designing discipleship curriculum
Stages and goals of discipleship
Discipleship Shapers
Learning how Christians grow


BFF's Burmese Digital Library

Bilingual: English into Burmese

BFF's Burmese Digital Library

All our Burmese Christian resources on the internet!

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The BFF Burmese Discipleship library includes Burmese-translated books and three full Christian training seminars given in Myanmar as well as some biblical messages.

The videos, audios (mp3s) are included as well as any translated handouts.


Life in the Spirit! Experiencing the Fullness of Christ [New!]


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Book, seminar, and translated materials.

The Life Core: Discovering the Heart of Great Training

The Life Core: Discovering the Heart of Great Training

Book, seminar, and translated materials.

Abiding in Christ: Walking with Jesus in Burmese

Abiding in Christ: Walking with Jesus

Book, seminar, and translated materials.

Discipleship Level 1 Seminar

Initiating Spiritual Growth in the Church
Burmese heading

Seminar and translated materials.

Discipleship Level 2 Seminar

Reaching Beyond Mediocrity
Burmese heading

Seminar and translated materials.

Building a Great Marriage

Building a Great Marriage
Building a Great Marriage - Burmese

Seminar and translated materials.

Bible Teaching

Additional bilingual messages!

Genesis 50: How to forgive and forget

Job 1-2: Facing the Tests of Life

Nehemiah 1:4-11: Prayers that Change the World

Enjoy these graphic-filled articles. We hope they make you more effective teachers of

God's Word is established in His Word and always develops your skill as you depend upon our great and magnificent Lord Jesus Christ!

We list most of the series and individual articles on the following pages. Please allow for minor changes due to updating files. Please don't forget to join the RSS feeds (free) so that you can keep up-to-date touch with newly added BFF training material!

In Christ's Majestic Service,


Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President & Founder

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