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Life Transformation: A Monthly Devotional 
on Romans 12:9-21

Life Transformation (LT)

A Monthly Devotional
on Romans 12:9-21

Paul J. Bucknell

Our most recent book – At an introductory low cost of $.99

Life Transformation (LT): A Monthly Devotional on Romans 12:9-21

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Life Transformation: A Monthly Devotional on Romans 12:9-21 (51 pp.) by Paul J. Bucknell

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Be transformed by renewing your mind!

Spiritual renewal takes place in a subtle process, not often understood. Life Transformation shows how God works through the mind and offers studies using these principles to transform your life in Christ.

God, with great care and design, transforms His people to increasingly reflect Christ’s likeness. Sometimes we are growing and excited about our Christian growth, but at other times, our dull spirits are well-served by a fresh look at spiritual truths so that God’s excellent holiness might further be formed in us. These 25 terse but pointed exhortations from Romans 12:9-21 serve as a wonderful monthly devotional guide serving this purpose – one per day!

On day 1, Romans 12:1-2 is used to introduce Paul’s challenge to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Truthfully, simple obedience radically improves our lives – may we never forget this. What usually happens, though, is that we only obey these truths when they remain at the front of our minds. When distracted with other things, the etchings of His truth that once guided our minds fade away. We soon return back to our old habits (Mt 13:22).

Special Bible methodology

This book largely consists of the 30 daily devotionals. Their description is below. We have a larger purpose, however. We use these devotionals to train His people how God renews a believer’s mind. At some point, read appendix 1 where this whole process of how God renews our minds by His truth is taught, thus enriching our pursuit of life transformation. Another appendix offers a link to a video where one can watch a class on this important subject, while yet another appendix holds my personal testimony.

Rev. Bucknell regularly teaches and trains principles of disicpleship to Christian leaders and laymen around the world .

Author's background (top to purchase)

Paul has been married 30+ wonderful years and has eight children!

Paul’s wide range of written materials on Christian life, discipleship, godly living, call to ministry, marriage, parenting, anxiety and other topics provide special insights that are blended into his many books and training materials including this book.

Bucknell family 2009His experience has been further broadened during his many international Christian leader training seminars. Paul has authored more than ten books and is president of Biblical Foundations for Freedom. Learn more about Biblical Foundations for Freedom or Rev. Paul J. Bucknell.

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Learn more about Biblical Foundations for Freedom or Rev. Paul J. Bucknell.