BFF Nepali Christian Digital Library

Nepali ( Nepalese )
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell
Two Nepali Christian groups of Video/Audio Training Materials
Initiating Spiritual Growth in the Church

Purpose of this Discipleship Training Seminar
Provide quality Biblical teaching on discipleship in the Nepali language to help pastors, evangelists and church planters to understand and develop the growth of the church. This discipleship training seminar was translated into Nepali from English in Nepal.
The BFF Nepali Library coming soon!
This cloud or Library version will includes all our Nepali resouces, including videos, audios, handouts and mp3s.
Oversea pastors can check on conditions for free materials - mention Nepali Library.
Nepali Christian Video/Audio Biblical Teaching library resources
=> Go view or listen to the Biblical Teaching library resources!