Audio seminar Sesión #9/12
El Fluir Nivel #3 – Padres – Estableciendo Fe
1 Juan 2:13-14

Español translated from English
“El Fluir”: Iniciando el Crecimiento Espiritual en la Iglesia
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell
El Fluir Nivel #3, Establecer la Fe usa 1 Juan 2: 13-14 para mostrar cómo Dios le permite a todos los creyentes profundizar su intimidad con Él para que puedan unirse a Dios en el servicio efectivo hacia otros.
Audio: mp3 || Video
Spanish Slides: pdf
Spanish Handout: pdf

Discussion Questions on The Flow
- What are the three stages of Christian growth that John describes? How do these form an analogy for the physical development of a person?
- List the items that the elderly apostle says to the group of 'fathers'? Be specific.
- What are the characterizes of this 'father' stage of the Christian's growth?
- What are the problems or challenges that those in this stage will face?
- Summarize what is suppose to happen in the 'father' stage?
- What might happen if Christians at this level do not get the needed support? Be specific.
- What is your responsibility to others that are in your own group? To those in other groups?
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