Audio Seminar Sesión #4
El Fluir: Nivel #1 Explicado e Ilustrado

Español translated from English
“El Fluir”: Iniciando el Crecimiento Espiritual en la Iglesia
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell
El Fluir: Nivel #1 Explicado e ilustrado muestra cómo implementar el discipulado con los nuevos creyentes usando El Fluir, a través del uso del manual de discipulado 3 X E.
Audio: mp3 || Video
Spanish Slides: pdf
Spanish Handout: pdf
3 X E Discipleship

General Questions
- Have you ever discipled anyone at the new believer stage?
- What special needs do new believers have?
- What new believer discipleship material have you used? How does it compare to the 3XE (Exaltation, Edification, Evangelism) material?
- What special hints on personally discipling others did you find here?
- If you are not yet discipling another, what holds you back? Ask an older Christian to help you (or help find someone) to work on those areas.
- If you are not yet discipling someone, start seeking the Lord in prayer for someone you could disciple at a basic discipleship stage (or even better someone you could sit in with and learn from).

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