Pray BFF Letter #255
Sat Mar 7, 2015
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Let’s go International!

“To the nations” (Mt 28:19)
Dear Prayer Partners,
From the beginning, BFF has been driven by the Lord to minister to the nations. Never in my widest imagination could I have imagined the expansive growth of BFF resources outside the USA. (Biblically, the USA is also one of those Gentile nations.)
I believe it was in 2004 that the Lord first led me to go to India. I had a lot to learn–trusting Him for finances, working with those I had never met, ministering to those who could not speak English. Many internationals do read English, but they have limitations. After many years of international travel, BFF now has a huge collection of international articles, books, slides, audios, visuals and handouts. Using the reduced size of videos, we now have about 44 gigabytes of international resources!
From our international page:
• Amharic (Ethiopia)
• Bengali (India/Bangladesh)
• Burmese (Burma, Myanmar)
• Chichewa (Malawi)
• Chinese - 中文 (China, SE Asia)
• Español - Spanish (Central & South America)
• Hindi (India)
• Luo (Kenyan)
• Luganda (Uganda)
• Nepali (Nepal)
• Swahili (Kiswahili - Kenya African)
• Telugu (India)
• Visaya, Cebuano (Phillippines)
This is incredible. God has provided every last step of the way. For many years, we traveled on financial fumes. One time, still in Africa (I believe), I heard we got another donation towards the trip. I quickly forwarded the money to the brother next to me in the internet cafe just before going to the airport. God’s timing and grace are amazing!
There are endless examples of the LORD at work, but they all seem nothing compared to the great honor I have of working with my brothers and sisters around the world. This has been such a high honor and blessing for me. My heart rejoices to leave them with ongoing resources as well as for those that I have never met in different nations across the globe. I have told the seminar attendees that these are our resources. Pass these links (and also the flash drive) on! Please do join us by passing these links on!
Here is another incredible bit of international new. Linda, fully healed, will accompany me to Asia this April/May. We will hold two seminars, a parenting seminar in Taiwan and a marriage seminar in Myanmar. We both are feeling our age but look forward to God’s extraordinary grace so that we can see His transforming blessings poured upon His people.
Lots of Thanks!
Excited to see God’s name proclaimed around the world. God is transforming His people to become strong and holy, fit for His use.
Two more books are now in the final proof stage: The parenting book, Raising Godly Children, in Chinese 培養敬虔的後代 and Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace and Discovering God. The first will help those attending the seminar in Taiwan.
God wonderfully timed our trip south so we could help Benjamin and his wife Christina, who had a ruptured Achilles tendon and is in a cast, to move across Georgia to a new job! We had a four car/truck caravan.
Confirmation and tickets for our training in Taiwan and Myanmar.
Join Paul on Twitter! @PaulJBucknell
Paul has two books now being translated, one in Chinese and one in Burmese. May they be done before the STM in late April. Pray for protection and wisdom for the translators.
Paul is seeking how to best get resources into different languages. He is presently making further inquiry in both Chinese and Burmese.
One large US church has been using the book, The Life Core: Discovering the Heart of Great Training, in their church from the children classes on up! We will soon have a three way interview on Skype to further encourage their members in this training. We applaud this church who asks the question, “What is the maturity of the believers?” “What is the goal of training in the church?”
Paul has received numerous contacts with people in spiritual need.
May we see God’s transformation in them and the many thousands each day that read and view BFF resources.
Teaching and preaching in our church on March 8th and 22nd. Linda continues to oversee the elementary children’s section (around 50 children).
As always, thanks so much for your prayers!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone/text: (+1) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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BFF is an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious organization and able to offer receipts for contributions in the United States. Address your financial support to Biblical Foundations for Freedom (or BFF). All designated funds go to the general fund, but specified gifts are allowed: STM (overseas training), Love (helping overseas pastors/ Christian leaders and families in need). Thank you for your kind giving!