![]() Humility in Ministry John 7:16-18The key to a powerful ministry is to be fully dependent upon the Lord for a message. The more we are aware of serving Him and His purposes, the more safely He can grant us more power of the Holy Spirit. God holds back a portion of His Spirit because of our pride. If Satan could, he would gobble up God's servants in a flash. Give them lots of power for one time if Satan could cause them to fall. Again we find, Jesus' way is the best way, the only way to a blessed life and ministry. Let us look into this a bit more. --- Purchase The Godly Man and its ten studies in easy epub or pdf format! We get so prideful in our ministries because we do not rightly understand ministry. This is what Jesus says in these few words of John 7:16-18.
You might wonder, "How can we get a message of God?" At least with this kind of question, we are starting off on the right foot. Many individuals cannot come this far. They are too absorbed with themselves. They cannot rightly love the things of God. Self is too dominant. But even with this question, we need to be careful. Was it not Simon who wanted more of the Spirit of God. In the end, however, we find he had a faulty motivation.
We need to go deeper than looking for power. We must want something more than awe-inspiring messages. If we take our cue from our Lord Jesus, and certainly we must, we will find that He did not preach or teach on His own. He teaches or preaches only when the Lord wanted Him to speak. He spoke only what the Father taught Him. He sought to bring glory to the Father by fulfilling His will. Indeed, we need to remember that Christ is the Lord; we are not. But has not the Lord set us up in a similar situation? We have an anointing from the Spirit. We have the Spirit which enables us to teach. We can be full of the Spirit. Should any Christian teacher think that he needs to independently come up with a good lesson? Should any pastor work hard at devising good teaching materials? Great preaching is gone because we are not getting our message from the Lord. A message from the Lord doesn't come when we are dependent upon our own wisdom. Without dependence upon the Lord, our messages have their origin in man. Peter and Paul's messages were great because the Lord gave them the messages. Clearly it was God's message. It was God's anointing on them that made such a great difference. The Spirit of God filled them. The church, as a result, was greatly blessed. People came to know the Lord. Summary
Humble, not Proud: A Biblical series on Humility |
The Pattern of Humility | Moses & Humility | |
Kinds of Humility | Pride replaced with Humility | |
Jesus, Pioneer of Humility | Humility in Ministry | |
Humility and Leadership | Steps towards Humility | |
Dying to Self | Testimonies on Humility |
Righteousness, not Compromise |
Grace and Graciousness | |
Truth, Not Deception | Faith and Faithfulness |
Goodness and Contentment | Fear God, Fear not Man | |