For a man to be godly, he must rise above the cheap cynicism of the day. He must go and be with God. With God he will discover the goodness of God. This goodness will be greater than anything the world would offer. Paul the apostle hinted at this when he spoke to Timothy on this topic.
But godliness actually is a means of great gain, when accompanied by contentment. (1 Timothy 6:6).
Man will never be content with only receiving the good things that come from God. Materialism is barren. It can never really satisfy.
This series 'Goodness and Contentment' openly challenges both eastern and western widely accepted concepts of goodness. The eastern religions insist on matter being evil. They cannot see beyond the pain and tragedy into the goodness of the Creator. They are permanently discontent with this life and seek something of greater value in the spiritual world.
On the other hand we have the Western secularism that shouts "Do not be content." Everything around says, "Look at me; I am more exciting." Everything is a vicious cycle of lure, tempt, excite and guilt. Covetuous rules.
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Can a man be fully content with God's good things and not God Himself? Can a man be convinced of the goodness of things and yet reject the Maker of these things? These are key questions that we hope to answer through this series of articles.
As we discuss evil and temptation, we recognize that the godly man must focus on the good and delightful things of God. He must be a man that finds his chief delight in the person and presence of God. Goodness is issued from God and will only be appreciated by those that are ultimately content with God Himself.
Goodness is finding contentment with what God has given.
Purpose of this study on goodness:
That we may desire to have our chief delight in God.
That we may grow in our comprehension of God's goodness.
That we may so delight in God's goodness that all other things would hardly be in sight.
That we would grow in rightfully appreciating pleasure.
Goodness and Contentment |
Discovering God's Goodness |
Good and Evil |
Discovering Contentment in this World |
Discontent Breeds Temptation |
Goodness and Suffering |
Good Works and Salvation |
A Case for Goodness |
Goodness Overflowing |
Study Sheet |
Next => Discovery of God's Goodness from Genesis 1:1 - 2:3
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
(C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988