Video training session #10/12
The Flow & Developing Leaders
Mtiririko Hatua ya tatu
1 John 2:13-14 - 1 yohana 2:13-14

English translated to Kiswahili (Swahili)
Initiating Spiritual Growth in the Church
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell
This English-Kiswahili video is on The Flow Level #3, 1 John 2:13-14, Developing Leaders in the Church- Fathers - Mtiririko Hatua ya tatu, Wababa 1 yohana 2:13-14. It shows how God's design for all believers to deepen their intimacy with Him so they can join God in effectively serving others. This is session 10 of 12 from a pastor's seminar in Kenya.
Click below to start watching the video. Study questions and other links are below.
The Flow & Leadership: Download: Video | Handout | Reading

Discussion Questions on The Flow Level #3
- What are the three stages of Christian growth that John describes? How do these form an analogy for the physical development of a person?
- List the items that the elderly apostle says to the Fathers? Be specific.
- What characterizes this stage of Christian growth?
- What are the problems or challenges that those in this spiritual stage might face?
- Summarize what is suppose to happen at this stage of spiritual growth?
- What might happen if the Christian at this spiritual stage does not get the needed support? Be specific.
- How can the church train foster believers to carry out their 'big brother' responsibilities?
- What should we do with those Christians who are not growing?
- What specific steps can we give to a Christian take who sees his or her friend not growing?
- How does a Christian's growth through these stages prepare them for leadership?
- What specific training do developing leaders gain in the 'father' stage?

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Next -> Listen and view Session #11 of the discipleship training seminar. 2 Timothy 2:2 and Discipleship training.