D2 Audio Discipleship Training Seminar #1
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity: Becoming an Overcomer -
English Translated into Bengali
Establishing Hope
Translated from English into Bengali (India) 

Rev. Paul J. Bucknell

Audio Training: #1 Hope | #2 Choice | #3 Strength | #4 Fight
Overcome...: #5 Anxiety | #6 Pride | #7 Lusts | #8 Anger
Overcome...:#9 Depression | #10 Overcomer
D2 Index | Bengali Main Training Index | D1 Index | Cross Trainers | Family Index
Purpose: Establishing Hope, the first of ten audios in the Discipleship 2: Reaching Beyond Mediocrity series, shows the importance of hope and how to gain a strong confidence in God's Word so we can move onto the third level of discipleship. Bilingual: English into Bengali.
Discipleship Level 2 on Reaching Beyond Mediocrity unlocks serious problems that have kept many believers back from living Christ-filled lives. It is not that we are not trying. Many of us have tried to grow so hard and for so long, but their troublesome questions have never been answered. Doubts hovering about these questions hold them back from going forward. Click the audio below to listen to the mp3.
Reaching Beyond Mediocrity - Being an Overcomer
English Translated into Bengali