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Initiating Spiritual Growth in the Church

India / W. Bengal / Bangladeshi Flow Seminar

Bengali Audio Discipleship Training Seminar #1/12

Initiating Growth in the Church

Isaiah 50:4 (Part 1/2)

Bengali / Bangla translated from English

Rev. Paul J. Bucknell


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Isaiah 50:4 (Part 1/2) The Heart of Discipleship: The Art of Following Jesus Bengali / Bangla translated from English .


Practical exposition of Isaiah 50:4 shows how to be like Jesus. The purpose of this message is to cause us to want to learn so that we can more effectively serve like Jesus.

Please click below to begin. Discussion questions are provided below as well as links to download for your convenience.

Video || Audio: mp3 || #1 Handout: pdf

The Heart of Discipleship

Bible Study Questions on Isaiah 50:4

A.) The Training of the Disciple (Isaiah 50:4a)

"The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of disciples."

  1. How eager are you to learn?

  2. Has pride settled in your heart? Christ learned each day.

  3. What proof do you have to show that you are still eager to learn?

B.) The Purpose of the Disciple (Isaiah 50:4b)

"The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of disciples, That I may know how to sustain the weary one with a word."

  1. What is your motivation to learn? A good position, a wife, money, status, image?

  2. Is it possible that you just want people to esteem you?

  3. Who has the Lord laid on your heart to reach?

  4. What do you need to effectively reach out to these people?

  5. Ask the Lord to properly equip and train you.

  6. Why is it that the typical ministerial school is inadequate?

The BFF Bengali Library is now available!

Check our BFF Store for details.
This cloud or Library version will includes all our India / W. Bengal / Bangladeshi resouces, including videos, audios, handouts and mp3s.

Oversea pastors can check on conditions for free materials - mention India / W. Bengal / Bangladeshi Library.

C.) The Discipline of the Disciple (Isaiah 50:4c)

"He awakens Me morning by morning."

  1. What time do you get up?

  2. Does the Lord wake you up? What does this mean?

  3. Are your first thoughts of each day on what the Lord has for you?

  4. How close is your relationship to God your Father?

D.) The attention of a disciple (Isaiah 50:4d)

"The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of disciples." A disciple attentively listens to and obeys God (Isaiah 50:4d)

  1. What is the difference between hearing and listening?

  2. Do you hear God? Do you listen?

  3. How does this verse show us how Christ listened to His Father?

  4. What do you do if you do not like what the Father asks you to do?

  5. How important is it for you to meet God and do His will each day?

  6. How do you know this?


Next -> Listen to or view session #2 of the seminar

Or view and listen to part 2 of 2 of Isaiah 50:5-9.

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Introduction to Discipleship's 3 Stages and The Flow
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intermediate discipleship stage and BFF materials.
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Advanced discipleship stage and BFF materials.
The Flow
Diagram of integrated Discipleship
Spirit-Dependent Teaching
7 principles on excellent teaching.
Designing discipleship curriculum
Stages and goals of discipleship
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Learning how Christians grow
Understanding the Cycle of Decline and Revival (Judges 2)