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Intermediate Step of Discipleship

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Initiating Spiritual Growth in the Church

Burmese Flow Seminar

Video Discipleship Training Seminar #4/12

Initiating Growth in the Church

The Flow #1 - Implenting the Flow

1 John 2:12-14


Seminar Index - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12
World-changing Prayers (Nehemiah 1) | Facing Tests (Job 1)
Forgiveness (Genesis 50)


The video The Flow: Level #1 - Implementing the Flow, translated from English into Burmese, describes how to disciple new believers using The Flow discipleship materials.Burmese Flow01

This podcast on The Flow is quite practical and illustrates how to sit down and talk to a new believer and help them grow. Click to begin the video below.

Burmese Resource Library DVDThe BFF Burmese Digital Library!

Check out the BFF Burmese Digital Library filled with great Christian resourcess available at our BFF Store for friends and church workers. It now includes all our Burmese resources: audio, videos, handouts, powerpoints, and reading. The thumbdrive is discounted at $14.99! Free to adapt for your own ministry.

Those living in developing countries can see if they qualify for free materials including our Burmese library resources. Of course, everyone can have access to most of these materials here.
Next -> Listen to or view Session #5 of the seminar on Discipleship. Part 2 of Isaiah 50: The Art of Discipleship

Or if you have already heard part 2 above, click for Session #6.