Touching Our Lives
We now understand where worries come from. With the problem of Adam's misplaced trust, we find that our task to get rid of anxieties is to put our trust back in God. Let's now focus on those key lessons that enable us to do that very thing.
What principles were strongly impressed on you today? Circle the ones that are most significant.
- Animals don't worry. Only human beings can worry because he is time and self aware.
- Worries do affect a person's physical, emotional and spiritual life, but worry is primarily a spiritual problem.
- God designed man to live without worry.
- Man made a blunder when he thought there was a better way than trusting God to care for his needs.
- Worldly peace depends on whether those things he trusts remain secure.
- Insecurity results in seeing those things in which we trust failing to provide for us.
- All those things we trust in life except for God will ultimately fail us.
- When things that we have trusted in are taken away, then man is humbled and open for other solutions.
- God has provided a solution to overcoming worries through Jesus Christ. In Christ's sacrifice God has shown His power and love for mankind. God is willing to care for man. We only need to put our trust back in Him.
What clear decisions, plans, or confessions do I need to make because of what God spoke to me during this session?
- Am I open to God to take down the poor foundation and building a big and better one?
- Am I best represented by the left arrow or the right arrow?
- What are those things that I need to renounce?
What one or two special lessons, stories, illustrations, warnings, etc. can I share with others that might encourage their faith?
- I never thought of my life as needing to be deconstructed. Now I realize that a lot of tearing down of bad habits and thoughts have to be torn down before I can build up a good foundation. It takes time; it is not immediate. The way that my worries pop up because of what is going on around me ruin so many days. I can't really solve them on my own. I am asking God to lead me across this bridge. I have asked Him to remove what needs to be removed. I need God to be my Helper during this time.
- I am so excited about learning the history of worry. I never knew how it began. I now know man was not designed for worry. This of course includes me. I am looking forward to how to get rid of these worries.

Session #2 Understanding Our Worries