Peace comes not only by destroying those things that we have formerly trusted in for security. We will have 'perfect peace' only when we trust in God. We must take two steps to gain that peace.
1) Renounce
Forsake those things that one has formerly or even now found yourself trusting.
All these things will pass away. They will fail you. They will disappoint you. Earlier on we mentioned that to leave our worries behind we will need give up our securities. It is so hard to give these up. Our life is built around keeping those things that we value the most. But if we don't give them up, then they will fail us and we will not have a chance to rebuild.
2) Trust
Pursue God for a trust in Him that brings His perfect peace.
All of us can worry. This is part of the way we are made with the ability to think of the future and be aware of our needs. We worry because we don't trust God. One would think everyone would trust Him with His love and power. But we don't. Instead we choose to find our security for our supposed life needs in other things that we have found.
"The steadfast of mind Thou wilt keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in Thee. Trust in the LORD forever, For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock."
(Isaiah 26:3-4, NASB).
You will find that the scriptures constantly refer to God giving peace to the righteous. The righteous are those that have put their trust in God. We know this because they have chosen to obey God in what He tells them.
Man is not good at rebuilding his own foundation. He loves the security of what he now has. But it isn't safe or sane to ignore the problems of his worries. Each worry is an announcement reminding you to pause in your life and let God rebuild before it is too late. He will take down what is there, but then He will build up something so much more beautiful and enduring. Let God speak to you about your poor foundations. Let Him show you the worries that spring from that . Finally, ask Him to rebuild your life. Fortunately, God is ever so willing to help us in that pursuit.
Let's review what we have learned so far.
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Session #2 Understanding Our Worries