Names of Jesus ChristIsaiah 9:6
The Bible Teacher's CommentaryPaul J. Bucknell |
Isaiah 1-6 | 7-12 | 13-23 | 24-27 | 28-33 | 34-35 | 36-39 | 40-66
Light & Dark Illustrative Diagram
Isaiah 9:1-7 Intro | 9:1-5 The Promises of God| 9:6 Wonderful Counselor | 9:6 Mighty God | Eternal Father | 9:6 Prince of Peace | 9:7 Security | Isaiah 9:1-7 Bible Study Questions
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Isaiah 9:6-7 is a source of rich meditation on the glory of the Messiah Jesus' person and work. In this section we describe the second and third name, Mighty God and Eternal Father from Isaiah 9:6.
B) The Source of Comforting Light (Isaiah 9:6-7)
“For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. 7 There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, On the throne of David and over his kingdom, To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness From then on and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will accomplish this” (Isaiah 9:6-7).
Without trusting His power, evil and hard circumstances rob me of my joy and hope but by relying on the Mighty God I can trust Him for His strength and grace for the most desperate and challenging times of life.
You and I go through difficult times. It is part of life. God uses these difficult times to develop our lives like He did with Job. The many promises int he scriptures are meant to encourage us to trust the Mighty God during these times.
We should note here that this Name describes the Messiah, the Christ. This name is clear evidence of Christ’s deity. Confusion over Christ’s deity often stems from a misunderstanding of his life. We must remember that Jesus purposely limited His Godhead powers to live on earth.
He depended upon His Father to do those miracles. He did nothing on His own. He purposely trusted His communion with His Father to get by just as we need to. See Philippians 2. Jesus was fully God and fully man. But this is not true of Jesus in His resurrected power to whom the Father gave Him all authority in heaven and on earth (Mat 28:18).
What does this teach us? Our Lord is the specialist for working through impossible situations. What do you do when you hit a crisis? You have a bill without money or a situation that cannot be solved. Do you pray? You should.
Our church just had a crisis. We rent our building. Most of our congregation consists of overseas students from China who don’t have much money. We have rented their premises for many years. All of a sudden, we hear that in three months, our rent is going to be raised to a minimum of five times up to ten times the previous rental fee.
Where could we, a congregation of over 200 hundred, find a new home so quickly that we could afford it in our crowded university area? We decided to trust the Lord. After our annual Thanksgiving service, where we share testimonies of God’s faithfulness through the year, we had a late-night prayer meeting from 9:30 to 12:30. God answered the prayer. They greatly softened their stance and reduced that rental.
We are hopeful because God can and often desires to do the miraculous. Let’s return to the God who parts the Sea, who causes men to be swallowed alive by great fish and can raise the dead. Christ in His power lives today! Is there a circumstance in your life that needs a miracle? Bring it to the Lord.
Next page=> Eternal Father (Isaiah 9:6)
Previous Name=> The Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6)
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted: (C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988