B) The Descriptions of Man’s Satanic WorldEphesians 2:2
The way the darkness reveals itself might look popular, hip or cool in our generation, but its oppressive and demonic aspects are covered up. Try to explain how a modern country like America or religious country like India or a atheistic country like China can slaughter their own people. It simply amazes me how certain people upset over the 3000 men killed in the war (which indeed is tragic) at the same time think nothing of defending the right to eliminate millions of children at the altar of materialism in the. As our societies move older, they are willing to compromise their convictions and join the evil one in his ways by dissecting a living human and harvesting (we usually call it stealing) its inner parts. Can no one see that this is outright murder?
Notice the difference between the one who came from heaven and the prince and power of the air. Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly” (John 10:10). We might have expensive memorials for those killed in war or attack, but we cover up our true ambition by secretly coveting and stealing the lives and possessions of many others. Who would want someone legally come to your door and request that you give up your liver or heart for them? If you refuse, then you would be taken by force.
Satan’s greatest bluff at this point is to have man think that there is no spiritual aspect of this world. His greatest lie is that he does not exist! He smudges packs of lies on the eyes of humanists so he can cleverly hide behind the scenes. If you so strongly disagree with Paul’s statement, can I ask what proof do you have that there is no Satan? How do you know for sure there is no sinister evil force about the world? Is there not evidence for him all about us?
Can you explain the tendency for violence the entertainment world to get worse and worse? Can you explain how this culture is so doped up by trying to get prestige for women when pornography has grown by leaps and bounds? Can you explain the terrorists’ actions? This world is converging together. We will see this sinister leader at some appropriate point step out at the right time and take charge. Don’t be deceived. He will first look like a good guy promising you everything, but his purpose is to take everything from you. Although he has been sentenced, he is allowed to rule for a short time.
Don’t be like Edmund in the Chronicles of Narnia who for the sake of Turkish delight, the sweets of the world, pledge yourself to the evil one’s service. God our Creator has allowed the fallen angel so much time, but his time is short. He was kicked out of heaven but rules on earth. Are you hypnotized by the pleasures of the world? Then you are in his service. Do you boast about your life’s accomplishment in your heart? You are ensnared in his plot. Do your eyes glean about with greed in its veins? You are one of the evil one’s servants. Jesus didn’t waste words.
You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature; for he is a liar, and the father of lies (John 8:44).
"Of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2).
Some people might even get more upset here. Paul is not only saying that there is an evil spirit, but that his spirit actually works in our lives. Well, what does Paul mean? Are are possessed? Does the evil one have such a grasp on our lives that we cannot even recognize it?
If we operate by a spirit, then certainly it deeply influences our very lives. It does say that it is “now working in the sons of disobedience.” What does it mean for the spirit to be working in our lives? The key rests in the meaning and function of the word ‘spirit.’
The word ‘spirit’ has several meanings. We outright dismiss the possibility that it refers to the Holy Spirit with a capital ‘S.’ The context is decisive. We can also exclude the reference to literal ‘air.’ But we can perhaps better understand how the spirit might work our lives by analogy. The word for spirit and air is the same throughout the Bible. This is no doubt because the spirit and the air function in the same way. Just think how air enters and exits our bodies. The oxygen (i.e. air) does not have a casual contact with our lives but actually enters all our cells and swirls throughout our bodies and keeps all the cells alive which in turn keeps the body functioning. We would not live very long without air. The only possible hope for those under cardiac arrest is to force them to breathe and get oxygen into their lungs.
We can only conclude that in a similar way the spirit of the evil one freely works in those who disobey the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His spirit, energy, desires and influence animate those in the world. Freedom is the greatest joke of the modern world. Man is not free. He doesn’t simply make his own decisions. There is a spirit of darkness that animates each of the cells in those who are apart from Christ. Their minds are in darkness. The worst part is that they do not even know it.
What is the apostle doing here by describing the state of the world? He is basically stating that apart from the marvelous and undeserved love and power of Christ we would rightfully be condemned along with the world. Even if man had a speck of lightthough he doesn’t; he is spiritually dead, we are so consumed in the world’s ways that it would be impossible to have the light bring us out of darkness. Jesus states it so clearly, those apart from the saving influences of Christ are of our father the devil. They live after his ways as seen in their disobedience. “Again therefore Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life.”” (John 8:12).
The church is not just another religion. We need to be careful that it does not become such. The church of God are God’s people of light. They have come out of the evil one’s control. Satan has imprisoned all of us in death. He swallowed us whole in Adam.
Apart from coming to Christ, there is no escape. Young or old, bright or dumb, it does not make any difference. Look at your life. If you are controlled by your desires, is it not clear no matter what you say that you belong to the world? You need to escape the world and follow Christ. Call out to God that He might have mercy on you and save you. This is the experience that each of His true children have. Like the Israelites who came out from Egypt, we are to leave the world and be His people. Paul is showing us our complete inability to save ourselves as well as our need to be saved, without which we will share a common destiny with the evil one in the flames of hell.
Now let us look at the last verse which describes not our general state or the world but our hearts.
Next => C) The Description of Man’s Heart (2:3)
Intro (Ephesians 2:1-3) | Man's Nature (Ephesians 2:1) | Man's World (Ephesians 2:2) | Man's Heart (Ephesians 2:3) | Questions (Ephesians 2:1-3) | mp3 download | Video podcast
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Introduction to the Book of EphesiansPaul's Second Missonary Journey to Ephesus - Map Ephesians 1Ephesians 1:1-3 Every Spiritual BlessingEphesians 1:1-3 Every Spiritual Blessing Ephesians 2-3Ephesians 2:1-3 Our Need, His graceEphesians 2:1-3, an Introduction |
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