This is part '5/7' to a study entitled 'The Purpose of Training in the Church: Equipping the Saints' on Ephesians 4:11-16. This section of commentary on Ephesians 4:14 shows us why the church is so messed up and dying out in places. An index is provided at the bottom of the page.B) Our Responsibility as the Church (Ephesians 4:14-16)- The Bible Teaching Commentary We face another trio of verses here in Ephesians 4:14-16. They are different though closely related to the prior three verses. We have all that we need to establish a great and glorious church here on earth (See Ephesians 4:11-13). Nothing is lacking. 1. Don’t be deceived (Ephesians 4:14) We might then ask, “Why is the church the very opposite to what is described in these verses?” A person might question whether the model is not appropriate or has some inherent flaws. As a matter of fact, God did His part correctly and desires to assist the church in her part. The church, however, is responsible to rightly respond to what God has provided for her. If she neglects His instruction, then the church will falter. Paul gives the church three special guidelines in Ephesians 4;14-16. We will discuss Ephesians 4:14 below. 1. Don’t be deceivedEphesians 4:14
The biggest problem of the church is that she does not think she is deceived! She is confident of her opinion. What is wrong with the church and why? If you don’t know the problem, then you are most likely infected with the ‘virus’ which results in your deception. Before going on, name some problems that the church faces. We have identified four serious flaws that have resulted in huge problems for the church.
Truth: The requirement for people entering into ministry to have some degree is wrong on two accounts. The church generally accepts a seminary degree as proof of a calling and readiness for ministry. A degree, however, does not guarantee that a person has been called into the ministry nor of a person’s godly character. Christ imparted this special gifting into individuals without respect to education, wealth and background. Although we value good training, we must not minimize those who have personally and seriously studied God’s Word. The local church should confirm a person’s gifts and calling. Truth: Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are largely anointed for enabling Christians to serve. The church needs to look for the training that they would receive from these men that God would give the church so that they can rightly serve the Lord. We should look for the Lord’s anointing on all of His people.
Truth: We as Christ’s body must value each person. Everybody is essential to the complete body. We do not merely need people to be present but actively growing and serving the Lord in the church. Truth: Our fulfillment does not come from seeking our own felt needs but by serving others as shown by the Lord. Love requires an outward focus. When an unforgiving spirit is dominant in the church, love is absent. Truth: We must take God’s Word and pass it on. We are not to feed people with our thoughts but the thoughts from God’s Word. Man’s thoughts are worldly thoughts.
Truth: The church is not a stagnant set of faithful attendees but equipped people for the work of the Lord’s service. This ‘work of service’ requires the participation of each member for which he or she was designed (Ephesians 2:10). All of God’s people are to live out Christ’s glorious love in their lives.
Truth: True spirituality causes: (1) A true desire to constantly grow to be more like Christ, (2) Oneself to be very closely involved in the growth of other Christians, and (3) The balance of truth and love worked out in relationships with others. (4) A commitment to learn and observe God’s truths as taught in His Word. Conclusion : The church has a lot of problems because Satan has duped her. She really doesn’t know what is right. Without this persistent training that God provides through the instructors that He has given His church, Christians will stumble and fall. God has given us the key to growing strong godly people. We need to be aggressive in training them. The church is infected with worldly philosophies that corrupt the church. We need to be constantly examining where we might have failed the Lord and why (i.e. what false notion has supported such behavior?). We should expect God to raise up among our congregations those to pastor, evangelize, go out as missionaries and teach. We need to prepare our hearts for the truths that God would give to us.
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