Titus 2:1-2
Paul J. Bucknell
The Living Commentary
“But as for you, speak the things which are fitting for sound doctrine. Older men are to be temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in love, in perseverance” (Titus 2:1-2).
Titus 2:1-2 "Raising Up Godly Men," page 1/4 of the Titus 2:1-2 Living Commentary, focuses on the standards of the first group mentioned in the church - the older men - which are called to live by God's holy and godly standards. A Bible Study is included at the end of the series. Intro to Titus 2:1-2 | Titus 2:1 Examining our Beliefs | Titus 2:2 Examining our Lives | Titus 2:1-2 Bible Study Questions
I wondered if you ever noticed the obvious. There are only a very few people that actually play baseball while there are thousands upon thousands that rather sit in the bleachers and watch. ![]() Christ’s kingdom is different. Following Christ is no spectator sport. It enlists everyone that claims the name of Christ. The word ‘follow’ calls for active participation. Hebrews 11 defines faith as a list of brave and daring acts to live out God’s calling upon one’s life. It is interesting to note that many who criticize the church for hypocrisy are themselves not actively expanding the kingdom of God. They are too busy griping. God does not care whether we know what to do. He delights in training us. They Lord is largely concerned with our deliberateness in serving Him. Listen to the comment on King Hezekiah.
In the Book of Titus, we have observed the need for our lives to be impacted by the Word of God. Jesus’ message was the same, of course. Paul just finished telling Titus on how he needs to hold fast to the faithful word and be able to exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who contradict (see Titus 1). We might think that the apostle is speaking on some heady conversation over election, deep discussion on Christ’s deity or interesting conversation on the Trinity. Usually, by doctrine we mean essential truths which are to be believed that would enable a person to be a follower of Christ.
Paul, however, is not largely focused on these great theological doctrines of God the Father, Christ and salvation, but on how these truths play themselves out in our day-to-day lives. As he says in verse 16, “They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient, and worthless for any good deed” (Titus 1:16). It is evident that what we do becomes clear evidence for each of us to get a picture of our what we believer. What we do reveals who we really are. It is here we get a glimpse into what we really believe. Millions of people call themselves a Christian. He warns us against false prophets. So what is a false prophet? Is it a pastor who denies Christ’s physical resurrection? Or a pastor which, though married, thinks homosexuality is okay? Or a pastor, who though professes Christ, would not pay attention to those in authority around him? We would have to include all of them. Each has not learned to restrain his thoughts, words and behavior to conform to God’s holy standards. This is what makes this age so difficult. Paul was concerned with building up the church there in Crete. A church can only get strong when the individual believers get strong. So we must ask ourselves, are we only a spectator? Are we so involved in the sidelines of following Christ that we think we are actual players of the game? Let us look more closely at what the apostle is calling us to examine in our lives. At this point, hopefully you are thinking, “What should we be doing?” Paul, in this second chapter of Titus elaborates on what things God’s people should be involved in. In this message, we will only focus on the one group: the older men, but each group has their own sphere of life in which they are involved. Each has their own temptations and challenges. Paul’s exhortations will help each group focus on how to do well despite these challenges. Let’s now look at the first of these groups: the older men. => Next Other related BFF articles include:
Intro to Titus 2:1-2 | Titus 2:1 Examining our Beliefs | Titus 2:2 Examining our Lives | Titus 2:1-2 Bible Study Questions
Book of Titus - Inductive Bible Training Study Questions SeriesLearn how to do inductive Bible Studies! Purchase here Titus Inductive Bible Study Questions: Introduction | Book study New American Standard Bible used Biblical Foundations for Freedom By Paul J. Bucknell |