This is page 1/5 of the Living Commentary on Titus 1:1-4, 'Called into His Service', which shows how Paul's love touched his ministry. In this article the contrast between a mature and immature Christian is articulated. A Bible Study is included. Intro to Titus 1:1-4 | Titus 1:1 Calling | Titus 1:1-3 Mission | Titus 1:4 Training | Titus 1:1-4 Bible Study Questions IntroductionEvery relationship that we have has the potential of bringing forth God’s love and light to others. We might not regularly think about the people we The mature Christian is aware of those around him or her and constantly discerning what is God’s purpose for The immature Christian, however, focuses on how others fulfill his own needs. If he or she is happy, they exude a sense of happiness. But if they are upset, one can easily notice that they want everyone else around to notice and feel pity on them. Sometimes this is done by withdrawing oneself; at other times by complaining. Paul showed himself to be a man who cared for others. In between prison sentences, he could not get the church off his heart. He cared for those in Crete even though it might have only been a month that he was there. He remembered them, though, and heard of their plight. It is this relationship of love He had a special role in life. But we do too. We have much more in common than we would normally think about. We are on a mission. We have different gifts, resources and capacities, but like Paul, we are called to make ourselves available to Him and others. Let’s try learning from Paul on how to be sensitive care for others. From Titus 1:1-4 we find three characteristics behind a mature Christian that God can greatly use. Next The online Cross Training discipleship material helps train others to focus on others.
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Book of Titus Introduction Titus Outline Titus Map Titus 1:1a Paul - Titles Titus 1:5-9 Introduction |
Titus 2:1-2 Introduction Titus 2:1 Beliefs Titus 2:2 Lives Titus 2:1-2 Questions Titus 3:01-4 Questions Titus 3:09-15 Introduction Titus 3:09-11 Conversation Titus 3:12-14 Relationships Titus 3:15 Goodbyes Titus 3:09-15 Questions |
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Titus 2:1-10 | Titus 2:11-15 | Titus 3:1-8 | Titus 3:9-15