Pray BFF#21 April 11, 2002
Dear Prayer Team,
Preparation time is so valuable.
Paul recently spoke to more than 10 men, presently busy with their careers, who are at different stages of preparing for full-time service. Paul challenged them to consider preparation time just as important, if not more important, than the actual goal. More than 11 chapters of I Samuel are spent studying David's special training period. Relationship before activity, trust before charge. Paul has been challenged to apply this truth to his own situation.
Progress on the "Encountering Love" project has slowed down since our last prayer letter. Other projects, assignments and taxes have gobbled up valuable time. But the 'waiting' period is important. Paul has been reflecting on how God uses many life situations to better equip him to write on this awesome topic. The next few weeks will be spent making the Overcoming Anxiety Seminar web-ready.
A good part of the delay was because of one half hour! God opened floodgates of ideas during a reflective time last week. God gave Paul 4 mini projects. Paul had been praying for insight and help but never thought all these ideas would come so suddenly!
This half hour surge of thoughts kept him busy all last week and even into this week. When God speaks so clearly, it needs to be captured quickly or it will be lost.
Thanks to God!
Requests to God
- Thanks to God for helping use Paul during last Sunday's two messages (Waiting for Ministry and Samson).
- Three out of ten Overcoming Anxiety sessions are up on the web! The last one was finished at the stroke of midnight (deadline).
#1 Crossing the Bridge of Hope
#2 Understanding Worries
#3 Recognizing Responsibility
- Thanks for extra grace and wisdom during this past super busy week.
- Praise God the "Waiting Upon God not Man" series was completed on time. Each series is so exciting.
- Thank the Lord for protection from a rude and threatening individual in our neighborhood.
- Thank the Lord for good health for all!
- Thanks that the taxes are finally in the mail.
- Pray for Elizabeth as she works on a brochure/flyer for BFF that could be distributed to doctor/dentist offices on overcoming anxiety. Many diseases are linked to anxiety.
- Paul continues to reformat and load the sessions of the Overcoming Anxiety seminar.
- For guidance for the next theme for 'The Godly Man' series.
- God has been deepening Paul's vision to pray for raising up a generation of righteous and godly men. Pray he might not be silent (Isaiah 62:6).
- Keep praying for our family members including Linda, Paul's wife, and each of the children: Elizabeth, Christy (soon graduating), Allison, Daniel, Benjamin, Kathryn, Isaac and Rebekah. May God protect us from the enemy's plans.
- A discipleship ministry in India has asked for printed copies of our material since they don't have a computer. Pray for time and wisdom to print and send the right materials and that they are rightly used.
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