Gaining a clearer picture of Christ and His saving work
Redemption Through the Scripture
Redemption Through The Scriptures,its study guide and other many resources (only some below) and all our other D3 level resources are available on our D#3 Discipleship Digital Library. Considering the quality of resources, the audio/videos and many other resources, this is a fabulous resource.
The theme of salvation is woven throughout the Bible, revealing God's plan for eternal life. Develop a deeper intimacy with the Lord and better fulfill your part of this great plan.
A.) The Redemptive Project (1-5)
Plan | Purpose | Proclamation | Scope | Need
B.) The Redemptive Purchase (6-10)
Design | Damage | Redeemer | Price | Payment
C.) The Redemptive Pleasure (11-14)
Delight | Determined | Desire | Deeper
A Redemptive Survey (15-16)
Survey: Redemptive Truths | Events
Like any magnificent work, whether in film, music or drama, a plot is slowly unfolded, one clever clue at a time, causing intrigue and wonder at what can or will be done. Each scene heightens the intensity until the final unveiling–when all becomes clear. Then everyone can enjoy the resolving of the intense plot, deliberating over the more intriguing scenes.
In the same way God’s redemptive story is being written over time, slowly integrating us all into this masterpiece. The gospel scene becomes the great unveiling but there still awaits the full climax at Christ’s return which keeps the final trump yet in the future.
What many of us do not understand is that we are part of this drama now being written. It is now being ‘filmed’ and each of us have our parts in this dramatic redemptive play which will be replayed through eternity, further unveiling the glory of God’s love and kindness in Christ Jesus.
Redemption Through the Scriptures highlights the glorious scenes of this redemptive plan of God revealed fully in Christ’s person and work but progressively revealed throughout the scriptures. Fine threads of detail finally are fully understood. God’s amazing compassion and goodness is wonderfully seen in the way God exercises His patience toward mankind, saves and delights in the sinful humans that He redeems.
The progression and purpose of redemptive revelation provides careful attention to how the redemption plan is being fulfilled in the lives of His people.
Each lesson features three to five scriptural passages representing various periods of the chronological development of this redemptive them (see following diagram). Each passage further unfolds the relevant theme while marching onward toward the majestic full revelation of these redemptive truths. This is not a study of Christ (i.e. Christology) nor of salvation (i.e. Soteriology) but a study of redemption inspired by biblical studies detailing the various ways this grand redemption plan of Christ and His work affects our lives.
Allow the purpose of Christ's work on the cross and resurrection to deepen my affection for the Father and further commit myself to join Him in evangelizing the lost and developing disciples to do the work of God.
Learn how Christian teaching on redemption becomes a major doctrinal theme from a close examination of key biblical passages as developed throughout the scriptures.
Wrestle with the deeper meaning behind each lesson to produce practical application to our lives (e.g. The knowledge of these truths help us ....)
Adjust the suggested lesson titles and biblical passages as desired but make sure they stay within the parameters of the lesson’s theme, purpose and distribution throughout the scriptures. Show how the passages support these specific teachings.
In the end we want to produce a good visual handle on God’s glorious redemptive plan. There are many ways of doing this including using charts. Each lesson will be tied into the overall progress both through the Bible as well as to this redemptive theme.
Redemption Through the Scriptures
God’s plan reflects God’s person
God’s plan requires design and sacrifice
Show how the truths grow throughout Biblical revelation.
God is chief Designer of the scriptures. Since one of our chief purposes is to provide a survey of the Bible, we will look at the whole Bible in one class and show how the Bible fits together as a glove, each part making a special contribution to the overall redemptive view of the Scriptures.
Purpose of attempted Grace, the act of redemptive grace, fulfillment of redemptive grace.
This is a chronological approach before what was but need to be done in time redemption, and then what would be in the church, heading into eternity.
Interweave redemptive themes through time
The Lord chose to reveal His glorious person through His special redemptive works. This overview of the theme of redemption interweaves its many aspects and puts emphasis on the importance of God’s overall plan.
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
(C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988