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The Lord Your Healer: 

Discover Him and Find His Healing Touch by Paul J. Bucknell

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Discover Him and Find His Healing Touch

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The Bible Teaching Commentary on Genesis: The Book of Foundations

Commentaries that specialize on training the teacher!

Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God


Relational Discipleship: Cross Training teaching series

Relational Discipleship: Cross Training

Paul J. Bucknell

Teacher - Disciple: Introduction
Learning | Listening | Following | Making Disciples | Projects

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with God and people!

Teacher and Disciple

Learning like Christ

Listening like Christ

Christ continued to meet with the Father

The best teacher is the best learner. This was certainly true in Jesus’ life. Because Jesus humbled Himself when He took human form, His Godhead powers were hidden while He was on earth. Therefore, He is an excellent model for us to learn from. Notice His learning spirit in the following verse.

The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of disciples, that I may know how to sustain the weary one with a word. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple. (Isaiah 50:4)

1) The tongue of disciple

The modern word for ‘disciple’ is learner. Jesus became a great teacher by applying Himself to learning. Jesus was a master at asking the right questions. Twelve-year-old Jesus confounded the teachers of the Law with His wisdom.

2) The purpose of the disciple

Jesus’ purpose was to learn in order to help the needy. Many people learn for the wrong reasons: reputation, money, status or fun. Christ’s reason for learning was to serve others. He learned well so that He could serve others well.

3) The discipline of the disciple

The faithful disciple doesn’t make excuses. Each day He spends time with the Lord. Each morning He eagerly seeks what God His Father would teach Him. There is no vacation from learning from the Lord.

4) The ear of a disciple

Jesus anticipated how God’s Words would help Him day by day. He learned everything He needed from the Father. An ear that has been trained through repetitive learning can readily discern what is being communicated.

Each disciple of Christ must start here with a goal of being like His Master. There is no question that our Master wants us to know the Truth. But do we have a passionate desire to be thoroughly influenced and changed by the Truth?

Jesus’ parents found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them, and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers. (Luke 2:46-47)

Jesus wanted to know the truth. He desired to learn it so that He could carry out His Father’s work of meeting the needs of others. He arranged His activities so that He could hear from His Father. He expected to hear all that He needed to know.

Application: Learn from your Father. Train yourself to listen to Him. Commit yourself to meeting with Him every morning. In a protected quiet time, anticipate that He will provide for your needs throughout the day.

Anticipate His Provisions!

Make that commitment in a prayer. “Dear Father, thank you so much for caring for me. I so desperately need You to teach me. I yearn for you to meet with me early each day to equip me to care for those you bring into my life just like You did with Jesus. In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.”


Relational  Discipleship: Cross Training by Paul J. Bucknell

A strategic basic discipleship series designed to help Christians grow not only in their relationship with God but also with other people. BFF Discipleship Traning CDEach section uses a familiar relationship to bring out basic but very practical Biblical teaching.

We highly recommend getting the BFF Discipleship #1 Digital Library which not only includes the Relationship Discipleship book, but slides, summaries, user guide, teacher's reference, etc. This D#1 Library also contains all our other Christian training resources for new believers.

Grow in love for God and for others

These Christian media-enriched resources can also be purchased in the BFF Resource Center.

Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted: (C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988

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