• Memory Verses 2 Corinthians 6:16
For we are the temple of the living God’ just as God said, I will dwell in them, and walk among them; And I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
• Project Reconciliation
Think of one fellow Christian where your relationship needs improvement. Follow these steps.
1) In a prayerful spirit, detect if you have any fault.
2) If so, confess your fault to God. Overlook the other person’s offenses.
3) Seek out an opportunity to apologize to that person.
- Confess your specific sin.
- Ask him to forgive you.
- If necessary make restitution.
Sometimes a person chooses not to forgive. You have done what is needed on your side. Keep praying for the person. Others take the opportunity to mention their sins and ask for forgiveness. That becomes a special blessing. Give thanks.
We should keep going through this process until there are no missing apologies. Once done, all these issues move to the past. You can focus on building up your fellow living stones.
• Project Teamwork
Did you know that the term ‘living stones’ wonderfully depicts the biblical concept of teamwork? Each stone closely fits together forming a whole wall. Teamwork greatly adds to the effectiveness and joy of work just so:
(1) Someone clearly is in charge,
(2) The team members are committed, and
(3) The team members care for each other.
Think about your marriage, family, church, colleagues in light of this concept. Are there any ways that you could do better in your position? Make any necessary corrections.
A strategic basic discipleship series designed to help Christians grow not only in their relationship with God but also with other people. Each section uses a familiar relationship to bring out basic but very practical Biblical teaching.
We highly recommend getting the BFF Discipleship #1 Digital Library which not only includes the Relationship Discipleship book, but slides, summaries, user guide, teacher's reference, etc. This D#1 Library also contains all our other Christian training resources for new believers.
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
(C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988