Evidence of God's existence and love are all around us. There are so many of these that we dare not count them!
“Then God said, ‘Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit after their kind, with seed in them, on the earth’; and it was so” (Genesis 1:11).
Springtime has Come!
Evidence for a living God who cares for us has been spread out before us like a huge banquet hall filled with tables with magnificent settings for each of us to see proof of His wonderful wisdom and love. Every leaf stands as a unique testimony of God’s rich design and care, providing a warm and welcome home on planet earth.
Consider the billions of leaves that gloriously unfurl each spring. As I now look out my study window and see the trees dangling their many leaves, I stand back in awe because I know some of their fantastic hidden abilities thanks to botanical studies.
While our most sophisticated technical engineers are clumsily learning to capture the sun’s clean energy through improved solar panels, God’s solar panels are being installed by the trillions in front of our eyes, each embedded with optimized cell programs neatly tied to the hardware (i.e., the leaf) to effectively harness the energy. Leaves awesomely transform light energy into chemical energy. Our best solar panels, on the contrary, are very inefficient, heavy, expensive, and rarely used. We might not like the raking of the autumn leaves, but God our Lord is prepping to install a new set of vibrant newly functioning green solar panels in the spring, hanging them high in the trees by a marvelous system of branches waving them before the sun.
We typically think of trees for their shade, but God has marvelously embedded His advanced technologies in the leaves which, up to now, we can only try to slowly imitate—efficiently absorbing and transforming the energy by the solar rays into a chemical energy that they can use. The design of the various kinds of leaves is a brilliant acclamation to God’s genius and His commitment to care for us.
Why do we doubt God’s existence or His love when the evidence is so astounding right outside your door with new estimates of 3 trillion trees worldwide, each holding perhaps around 200,000 leaves at a time.
And who repairs them? Who manages them? Who installs them? Who checks their connections? Efficiency does not come accidentally. The whole elaborate tree design works wonderfully together.
I am a believer in a wise and good Creator partly from the glory seen in the created. The magnificent leaf goes beyond the simple apologetic observation ‘designed to Designer’ for we should add: ‘installed to Installer’; ‘repaired to Repairer’, ‘coded to Coder’, ‘engineered to Engineer’, etc. There is no end to thinking about God’s brilliant development and usage of these leaves.
- designed and Designer
- installed and Installer
- repaired and Repairer
- coded and Coder
- engineer and Engineer
I was recently looking out my window and saw a plant their with their leaves waiting for the early sun. God’s design enables them—without thinking—to adapt to the maximum level of receptivity. How amazing! The leaves turn and face the sun. Because we want a balanced-looking plant, we often turn the plant around and so the leaves turn around and again face the sun—all without a button, special praying, or repotting.
We will in no way imitate what chance produces, but clamor for the opportunity to profit from God’s wisdom, design, and beauty in ‘nature’. The world is carefully constructed to bless life on earth, all the good and welfare of its inhabitants. I cannot for an instance reasonably believe that these leaves developed and maintain themselves by accident. In this age of science and increased knowledge, people from around the world race to zealously learn from and imitate God’s recently revealed plans so that we can combine hardware and software to reap the rewards God has built into His designed world.
So let the leaves be a witness not only of God’s mere existence but His majestic wisdom and abounding goodness. My house might not have solar panels yet due to their inefficiency, but I am thankful my apple trees, raspberries, and house plants are wisely using the sunlight to manifest God’s love to us by providing food to delight and sustain all life.
“Then God said… and it was so” (Gen 1:11).
Here we discover Jesus' first extravagant claim, "I am the Light of the World" (John 8:12). find that Jesus says that He is the key component to a fulfilled life.
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There is evidence of God all around us. Design, the strategic and efficient order comprising living objects about us, is God's imprint in the world about us.
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
(C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988