When we no longer have a sufficient ability to evaluate the truth about each of the worrisome thoughts that invade our minds, we accept them as true.
Remember how the song writer spoke about the number of anxious thoughts multiplying? This is just like the tactic of the enemy to simultaneously send numerous missiles at a ship even though it only needs one to sink the boat. The ship can defend itself against a certain number of missiles, but
there is a limit to how many it can track, avoid and destroy. Our minds are the same.
We only can handle so many.
Once a missile has penetrated the defense line, then great damage results. The more we allow anxious thoughts to occupy our thinking, the more likelihood of having those anxious thoughts penetrate our minds.
How does this happen? When the number of anxious thoughts increase, then we begin to loose our ability to evaluate the truthfulness of each incoming statement. The more the anxieties, the more destabilized our minds become. I believe this is because our perception of reality is no longer accurate.
When we no longer have a sufficient ability to evaluate the truth
about each of the worrisome thoughts that invade our minds, we accept them as true. They have penetrated our defense lines. This is when an anxious thought turns into a deadly worry, a temptation into a sin.
The psalmist did not deny the existence of all his anxious thoughts. They kept increasing. They multiplied. They had threatened to penetrate his own defense system. He could not quickly enough get those antiballistic missiles off to protect his mind.
One would think he would have lost, but he knew the secret line of defense.
What is this secret line of defense? Next page