The Book of Zephaniah

Gathering Before His Throne

C) Gladly Gathering

Zephaniah 3:14-20

Being Motivated to Do His Work

Commentary and Detailed Outline

Zephaniah 3:14-20

C) Gladly Gathering (Zephaniah 3:14-20)
Being Motivated to Do His Work

Our excitement commences its excitement when we begin to ponder on what our Lord has done for us. Our salvation is real! He's changed us. Our excitement is strengthened as we contemplate that the Lord is committed to our well-being. He loves us, sinners. What a marvel! With that start, we begin to see things differently around us on our journey. Our excitement mounts higher and higher. We are astounded at God's poured out grace upon others too. We are not alone. All of us were formerly encaged victims locked in the gaudy prison of the devil, but now we are redeemed by the blood of the lamb. The climax comes as we see God's far reaching plans to redeem His people from all the earth.

The excitement of God's plans! This, no doubt, was a good stimulus to the grand revival in Josiah's time. But we must remember the needed cleansing. The judgment must come to the earth just as it came to Judah shortly after Josiah's death.

Note the repeated and emphasized usage of the word to gather:
    "I will gather" (18),
         "and gather" (19),
               "when I gather" (20)
There are still many unanswered questions regarding section two. We are not clear on the Lord's dealings with them. They need consoling as to how the Lord would deal with them. God's precious understanding of our every need prepares us for effectual service.

Three characteristics of those gathered into His care.

1. A People with the Lord's Joy (Zephaniah 3:14)

      a. Worth shouting about
      b. Confidence of a victory triumph
      c. Requires all our heart
      d. It’s a joy only for God's people

2. A People with the Lord's Security (Zephaniah 3:15-17)

a. Removed His judgments (15a)
      b. Defeated our enemies (15b)
      c. Security of His presence (15c-17a)
      d. Comfort of His love (17b,c)
{more like honeymoon than battle victory}

3. A People with the Lord's Vision (Zephaniah 3:18-20)

a. Who will be Gathered (18-20)?
      b.Who will do the Gathering (18-20)?
      c. What will the Gathering be Like (18-20)?
 1) Liberating (not liberation theology)
             2) Revitalization (shame -> praise)
             3) Restoration (restore fortunes)

Life Application

  • Have we begun to understand the riches of our salvation and the depths of His grace?
  • Do we have this comfort and security of His presence? What dare we fear?
  • Are you excited about God saving other people? Why or why not?
  • What part in His great plan have you taken? What does the Lord have for our church?
  • How much anticipation do we have as to what the Lord wants to do in our midst as part of His whole great redemptive plan?

 Are you ready to take part? Next page ->

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