The Book of Zephaniah

Gathering Before His Throne

B. Willingly Gathering

Zephaniah 2:4-3:13

Embrace God's sovereign plans throughout the world.

Brief Outline and Bible Study Questions

Zephaniah 2:4-3:13

Brief Outline

B. Willingly Gathering (Zephaniah 2:4-3:13)

There are three ways we are encouraged and exhorted to esteem and embrace His sovereign plans and our part in them.

1. By exposing his plan for Judah's neighbors (Zephaniah 2:4-11a)
      Immediate danger

Israel and the church:
a prophetic problem.

Many discussions have centered around the place of Israel in the New Testament times. Although we see God has not forgotten them nor His purpose for them, we also see they are swallowed up in the promises of the Abrahamic covenant together with the Gentiles to the point all believers can say together, "We are the children of God."

2. By exposing His plan for the Major Powers (Zephaniah 2:12-15)
       Real danger

3. By exposing His plan for God's People (Zephaniah 3:1-13)
       Greatest danger

      a. Reason for God’s Judgment on Judah:
             Corruption (1-7)

      b. Purpose of God’s Judgment on Judah:
             Purging & Saving (9-13)

Bible Study Questions

B.Willingly Gathering (Zephaniah 2:4-3:13)
1) How will God's judgment upon the nations affect His own people (2:7,9)? Write the key verses down.

2) List the nations mentioned. What judgments has God given to them (2:4-15).

3) Who is God addressing in chapter 3:1-13? How do you know? Read carefully .

4) What is God's overall purpose for judging His people (3:9)?

5) Review the judgments for the godless nations (2:4-2:15)? Is there any hope for them?

Summary Question
6 Many people today do not think that the judgment between Christians and non-believers will be that great. How does this section help dispel this idea? What do you believe about the lostness of those who have not heard of Christ?

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Zephaniah study - Call to Revival
Gathering Before His Throne
Relevance to our Lives | Historical | Overview
A.Voluntarily Gathering 1:1-2:3 Questions | Notes | Outline
B.Willingly Gathering 2:3-3:13 Questions | Notes | Outline
C. Gladly Gathering 3:14-3:20 Questions | Notes | Outline
Zephaniah Bible Study Questions: Complete set

Other Old Testament prophetic studes: Isaiah Haggai Micah

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