Genesis 18-19 Steps Down to Destruction The Bible Teaching Commentary
Homosexuality is a sin, but it does not survive by itself. Sodomy lives only among people with hardened hearts, and it would be foolish to think that would be there only sin. Note the sins listed above. We are not wrong to observe that sodomy stood out in Sodom as one of their sins. Note these two references: 1) Gen 19:3 "He urged them strongly." This combined with the following incident shows that Lot knew what the men of the city would do to anyone who camped out in the square of their walled cities. They were trapped and sexually abused. Lot could not tolerate it and risked his own life by insisting that they stay in his own home. The custom to protect a guest in ones home even with his own life if necessary. We can see this is where Lot's righteousness stood up. He liked the comforts of the city but hated the abuse. Later we see it again when he stands out in front of the crowd of lusty men protecting his guests.
2) Genesis 19:5 does not cover up their request, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them." There is no doubt that these men were sodomites! They even refused Lot's daughters because they wanted the men. We should see here that we see more than sodomy with consenting adults. These men were rapists of the worse kind. They would look out for the vulnerable and take advantage of them.
We need to be careful to think that God is only against sodomy. Homosexuality is a sin, but it does not survive by itself. Sodomy lives only among people with hardened hearts and it would be foolish to think that would be there only sin. Note the sins listed above.
What does the New Testament say about sodomy?The King James Version of the Bible does not even mention homosexuals in the passage cited by the religious right.? (1 Corinthians 6:9)
We need to be careful to think that God is only against sodomy. Homosexuality is a sin, but it does not survive by itself. Sodomy lives only among people with hardened hearts, and it would be foolish to think that that one kind of sin would live by itself. Note the sins listed above. Notice how the Apostle Paul showed the decline of a culture in Romans 1.
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