A worldly spirit has crept into the church so that many of its attendees do not see a big problem with sending their children to such an event. Their perspectives on exposure are melted down from relativism. Let's look at a few reasons as to why I would never allow my child or myself attend such an event even with a free ticket. We will first mention the popular argument and then answer it.
Argument #1: Better identify with what is going on in society.
But in fact the Lord wants to keep us away from the perversions of the world. This has not just to do with the homosexuals but all places sins are boldly taught through song, dance and voice.
And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. (Ephesians 5:11-12)
Many Christians limit their activities by the first clause "do not participate," but they fail to properly respond to the second clause which is much more demanding "disgraceful even to speak of the things." If we are not to speak of these things, surely we are not to expose ourselves to their act. Where is the limit of this exposure? The Lord has set it for us.
Argument #2: Strengthen our faith to see the struggles and doubts of others
This was written by the article above. They say it is good to go through doubt. I strongly disagree. Doubt always hurts. The last lesson spoke about the damage doubt brought. Doubt is the opposite of faith and so Satan can and does use it to inflict pain.
Think about how much faith or doubt would one implant in their child. If this is true, would you rather have your child doubt the goodness of God than trust in His great sufficiency? Would you rather have your daughter wonder whether marriage was proper and so allow her self by abused by hungry men or would you rather her wait for a godly man however long it took? Abraham's faith accomplished much but his doubt also caused long lasting scars.
God can bring us through such circumstances, but it is always better to avoid them. This is why we try to disciple God's people as quick as possible. Doubt breeds doubt. Keep from it.
Argument #3: It won't (negatively) affect me.
It is best if we look at concerts as a time a person passes his or her influence on another. Wherever that influencer is theologically and practically enhancing evil, then we are sitting under a mouthpiece of the false prophet. We are actually using God's money to be stimulated with evil thoughts conducted by wicked sensations.
If you claim the music can be good even the lyrics are bad, you do not understand how music works. The spirit of the musician is passed on to the listener. If one cautiously understands and denies its influence, then perhaps we can say that we have not caught the evil message being passed on. But if we are so mature to do this, then why in the first place are we using God's time and money to be discipled by one who openly rejects the Lord's standards.
Parents must protect their children from such influences. Wherever evil touches my life, I need to spend time cleansing myself. Why not instead spend an evening visiting and praying with others for God's Spirit to help those afflicted. The cultural tensions are strong even when we do not frequent such events. Like Joseph, we are to flee temptation and its influence so that we can be holy for our God.