This is part '5/6' to a study entitled 'Victory Over Strongholds' on Joshua 6:1-27. This page includes the powerful conclusion to the series on overcoming stronghold. You can by God's grace apply the lessons and overcome great difficultie
“Monday, 28.– I talked with one who, a little time before, was so overwhelmed with affliction that she went out one night to put an end to it all by throwing herself into the New River. As she went by the Foundry (it being a watch night), she heard some people singing. She stopped and went in; she listened awhile, and God spoke to her heart. She had no more desire to put an end to her life, but to die to sin and to live to God.” (The Journal of John Wesley, p. 151).
Remember that woman on the way to kill herself at New River. I did not finish reading the quote from John Wesley’s journal.
Something happened on her way. She heard some singing. It sounded so pleasant that she regained a sudden distraction from her deathly plans. She turned aside and heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and was saved.
We all have fortresses from keeping us from being whom God designed us to be. The greatest of course is our stubborn will and sin. Only in Christ can we find salvation. Without Him there is no hope. Without Christ, you are walking toward that river. You might still have hope in yourself but it is only time that you will find that your plans lead to misery and hopelessness. Turn to hide in Christ and you will be saved from the great Judgment. Christ’s resurrection from the dead is the greatest victory to lead us into God’s kingdom.
For the Believer
We also learn from the falling of Jericho that the Christian himself will face great obstacles in their lives. In the same way we are to follow God’s leading. We should not be hopeless about our distressing circumstances but delight in an opportunity to see God’s victory at hand. “He who hopes in the Lord will never be disappointed.”
God’s way is always best. His design leads us to life fulfillment. Some of us might be poor while others rich. Some tall, some short. Some with blond hair while others black. Some men while others women. Some bright while others average intelligent. But each of us are on a journey of faith, and it is to these obstacles that the Lord leads us to after we are saved (crossing of Jordan). Victories in our personal lives come by trusting and obeying God’s Word–even if it takes a long time. Here is where we will see the mighty God at work in our lives leading us along the path of holiness. As we look at the ruins of Jericho, we stand amazed at how the Lord led the people into victory.
Don’t avoid these strongholds that bind up your life. If God is great enough to save, then He is strong enough to help us rightly live. Repent. Tell the Lord you only want His ways. His ways are the only ones that count.
Success comes by accompanying the Lord through the difficult times of our lives. We need men and women of faith to stand up and believe that God can break down the worst fortresses that threaten the welfare of our lives.
The conquering of Jericho is not so much about fighting as conquering. We have very little emphasis on the actual fighting. But the author did not get distracted from the point of the battle of Jericho. We do not see the great strength of the Israelite warriors pitted against the inhabitants of Jericho. Something more is being presented than the conquering of a city.
God is essentially saying that success is never impossible, no matter what struggles you have. Satan would have you walk along that river of despair. But God leads you to confront the biggest battles that you have. God is there not only to give you success but to etch on your heart and mind the way to win battles is through the power of God. God is with you. He is active and will lead you step by step.
God starts with a formidable city. The point is that whatever the battle the Lord points out in your is a battle to win. There are a number of those who are caught in secret destructive habits or addictions. They are not only the chemically induced ones but the flesh induced. God has a battle plan for each one.
It might be something that is hurting you and others. It might be getting worse and worse and you are absolutely scared about its control on your life. You might have tried to break its hold on your life but you have failed. These all do not matter.
Strongholds are repetitive behavior that harms self and others. They bring about personal decisions that negatively impact self and others.
Jericho shows us that God is there to win the battle for us. His plan is all set out for us. Through His promises, He brings us hope. You will not win by your own power. That is the point of all of this. God is God. He wants you to humble yourself, admit your failure, confess your sin and helplessness and let God win the battle.
What is that one area that you are now confronting? Usually it is the area that you are unwilling for others to know about. At the end of this message, let us bow our hearts and heads and come to Jesus. He will take the burden and carry it with you. Today, let Him lead you into victory.
- So what is your battle that is looming in front of you?
- A mother who wants to genuinely love from the heart?
- A student battling with the need to have perfect grades?
- A single battling and seemingly loosing at pornography?
- A mother who is afraid whether she can be the mother God wants her to be?
- A father who doesn’t know how to put his family in order?
- One who needs to forgive another?
- A man who has stolen some money?
Even now the evil one will come by and whisper that God might have power over cities but can He really help you with your problem? Are spiritual or physical problems more difficult to deal with? But Jesus answered this so clearly when He asked the Pharisees is it more difficult to heal the lame or forgive sin? By forgiving the lame man’s sin, he was healed. Conquering cities is not harder than overcoming a spiritual stronghold?
“Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven’; or to say, ‘Arise, and take up your pallet and walk’? “But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”--He said to the paralytic-- “I say to you, rise, take up your pallet and go home.” And he rose and immediately took up the pallet and went out in the sight of all; so that they were all amazed and were glorifying God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this.” (Mark 2:9-12, NASB).
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