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Revelation: An Introduction by Dr. Ridge Orr
Chapters 1-21:
pdf | docx | Apple/Nook
The Lord has much for us to learn about the future and now. Revelation 1:1-8 briefly, but powerfully, provides this picture of God's revelation.
Why is the Book of Revelation so confusing? The number of basic approaches to viewing this book gives rise to different perspectives and interpretations. Each viewpoint has its sincere followers, and it is important for us to understand which approach we will take and why!
What does God think of the church? In this first scene, we discover a whole new perspective of the church. It will give us much to ponder about the churches we are familiar with!
Scene #2 starts here in 4:1. Learn what worship is like in heaven! How can what we learn here shape our lives and worship now?
The church has always, in one or more places, experienced persecution, but with the recent beheadings and open persecution being shown in the media, we can no longer deny its reality. How should we understand believers suffering for their faith? Who is part of the 144,000? What does Revelation say about a pre-trib rapture?
The 7 trumpet sounds depicting scenes from the tribulation follow the 7 seals with descriptive accounts of Wormwood, a 200 million army, mad locusts, 42 months and more!
Step into the drama of history, tracing the development of evil along with good. We get our first clear glimpses of the beast and further insights into his persecution of the saints.
The bowls of God's wrath are finally tipped over spilling over the face of the earth turning God's threats into reality.
Nov 1, 2015 Revelation 17:1-19:10
Scene 6 Babylon the WhoreThe sixth scene is a further development of bowls six and seven. The focus here is on what John hears while past scenes have highlighted that which John sees unfolding–the harlot, beast, Babylon, etc.
Nov 15, 2015 Rev 19:11-21:8
Scene 7 The Drama Behind HistoryScene 7 pushes the edge of our meager understanding of the ends of the world by heightening our apprehension of various details of the final judgment and final blessings for God's people now alive in God's presence.
Nov 22, 2015 Revelation 20:1-10
Understanding the Millennium
We deliberately pause upon this brief but greatly contested segment of scene 7, Revelation 20 – the millennium, which has been used to develop varying frameworks from which people interpret Revelations and the scheme of time: premillennialists, amillennialists, and postmillennialists. Come join the discussion!
Nov 29, 2015 Revelation 21:9-22:21
Scene 8 Jerusalem the BrideWhat is heaven like after all? The Lord maximizes certain OT images: wedding, light and river among others to point our imaginations and hopes in the right direction here in Scene #8.
Dec 13, 2015 OT & Revelation
Biblical Integration of RevelationHow does the Old Testament and New Testament fit together? Look how the Book of Revelation is largely compiled of OT quotes and images but with its own brand.
Dec 27, 2015 Revelation 22:20-21
Epilogue & Review
Join us for a look at the last two verses of Revelation, a review of the whole Book of Revelation, and an extended time for questions–possibly a newer view of how the tribulation might work out.
When do you tend to veer from God's path?
What was the last time you 'lost control' and made poor or foolish decisions?
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
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