The Book of Jude: An Introduction and Outline provides an introduction to the short Book of Jude in The Bible Teacher's Commentary series.
“While I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3).
Key: 'But you', 'but you'
1-2 Introduction
The Presentation of the Problem
The Appeal5-16 The Punishment of Ugly Professors
From the past to the present5 Law of Egypt
6 Angels
7 Sodom
Past punishment: Cain, Balaam, Korash17-23 The Preparedness of Godly Believers
Need to deal with ungodly professors
24-25 Conclusion
Overall capability to carry it out
The Introduction and Purpose (1-4)
Detecting dealings with “These men”
[God’s dealings with the ungodly]
[Reject and revile authority]
3. DESCRIBING THE DANGER 12-13,14-15,16, 19
[To church & to ungodly]
"But you, beloved, remember"
[Don’t be surprised!]
[Obey and be merciful]
The Closing Blessing (24-25)
Necessity of writing (3a)
Purpose of writing (3b)
Contend:To strive in opposition to someone or something. Battle, Fight, Tug, War; To uphold as true, right, proper, or acceptable often in the face of challenge or indifference. Maintain, Argue, Assert, Claim, Defend, Justify, Vindicate, Warrant
Earnestly: With intentness and determination. Hard, Assiduously, Exhaustively, Intensely, Intensively, Painstakingly, Thoroughly,
Problem perpetuated (4)
The Origin of the Bible: The Extent of the Bible
Are you sure Jude was part of the canon?
... Jude: questioned because of reference to Book of Enoch (14-5) which was not inspired ...
Questions and Answers on the Dark World of Evil, Satan and Demons
(also Jude 6) (2) Satan was actually the one that tempted Eve in the form of a beautiful serpent. He plotted and temporarily ...
Evangelizing the Cults: Gaining a Perspective
Some don't share with cults because they think they are to shun them because they are false prophets {2 Jo 10; Jude 23} ...
Gaining A New Heart, Pure in Heart
(Jude 10-16). These so-called Christians more than often wish they were in the world. If you could see them daydreaming: you would see them rushing along in ...
Genesis 5:21-25: Enoch's Secret Word: Methuselah and the Flood ...
... to Methuselah's significant name was the great prophecy given to his father, Enoch. We would not know of this prophecy except from Jude 14,15. ...
What does the Bible say about waiting upon God?
... For the salvation of the LORD. Genesis 49:18, I wait ... O LORD, For Thy salvation. Jude 1:21, waiting anxiously, for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted: (C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988