Pray BFF Letter #230
Monday, September 9, 2013
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India & Nepal

Dear Prayer Partners,
As I write this prayer letter, I sense I am already on my overseas trip. I usually take my personal laptop to do recording while on my short term trip, the same computer I am now using to write this letter. This is due to my main BFF computer is being repaired (fortunately just barely within the warranty). It is amazing how much the computer can add to one’s sense of organization, and the lack of one to make one feel rather disorganized. Fortunately, I can yet get things done (edit video, reformat, produce mp3, etc.).
Plans for India and Nepal
Praise God that most of the English handouts are already in the hands of the translators, except for two on my main computer (in the shop). This usually means the coordinators find a small team, usually including themselves, to translate. They need extra grace, because they not only have their regular ministries and are coordinating these three day seminars but also handling the translation work. Pray for them and especially the strength for Pampa (see last letter).
All the flights are organized–4 flights just to get there! A few logistics (on my side) still have to be arranged. Due pray for funds now, though. Although the STM fund has some leftover funds that will be used, we still need a large portion, around $6,500. It is always hard to tell because it has much to do with the conferences themselves and how many attend. (And in this case changing currency rates.)
I leave on October 4th for 2+ weeks.
New Teaching Series
I just finished teaching the first two lessons of the new series, Discovering God Through the Psalms, that our church is holding this fall. I will not teach again until after I return, but it is great having a great teaching team. These prestudies, private sessions for the teachers to briefly present their materials, have been going on since when I first started pastoring back in 1991 (at the mother church). The teachers have changed, but God’s grace remains with us. 
New Release
My new book, Redemption Through the Scriptures: Gaining a Clearer Picture of Christ and His Work, points out how Christ and the redemptive plan is revealed through the scriptures, and uniquely, I believe, brings relevance to our Christian lives and churches today. This 362 page book’s special diagrams brings much clarity to this sometimes confusing topic. The separate study guide is available with the book in our Disciple #3 library, along with available powerpoints, videos and even handouts.
This book identifies one major reason why the church remains largely uncommitted and how to solve this problem. Learn more or purchase here.
This book and study resources becomes another important addition to our libraries that we make available free for those in developing countries. Do you realize that many of the larger and established seminaries overseas do not seriously believe in the Gospel? By God’s grace, we can push for change.
Plans for our India-Nepal trip have come together quickly! Flight are arranged.
Redemption Through the Scriptures is now completed and part of various bookstores (BFF, Apple (soon), Amazon, etc.) along with a companion 70 page study guide.
Streamlined the organization of our seven English training libraries.
The new teaching series has had a good start.
Seek the Lord with us for the needed $6,500. 3 1/2 weeks before I leave.
Blessing upon the two seminar coordinators, one in India and one in Nepal, and extra grace for translation.
Preaching on Jonah 3 on Sept 22nd.
Grace for 3 of our children as they transition into society. -
Seek wisdom as I seek how to best expand our Seed Project into the developing world.
Always need extra grace for my family and ministry when away!
Thanks so much for your prayers!
BFF is an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious organization and able to offer receipts to contributions in the United States. Address your financial support to Biblical Foundations for Freedom (BFF, directly to us). All designated funds go to the general fund, but specified gifts are allowed: STM (overseas training), Love (helping overseas pastors/ Christian leaders and families in need). Thank you for your kind giving!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+001) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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