Pray BFF Letter #231
Thursday, September 26, 2013
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Final Preparations

Dear Prayer Partners,
My personal assistant is back! I can hardly believe all the things that my computer assists me with, including many arrangements for the STM trip.The Flip
I received a phone call via Skype requesting that I flip two seminars. Fortunately, with one extra flight, and an extra all night train ride back to Kolkata (new name for the famous city of Calcutta where William Carey worked) it was arranged. Pastor J discovered that, due to a pagan festival, travel becomes next to impossible for any pastors that need to travel to the seminar site. The city is an amazing grid, with its surprisingly large yellow cabs crawling through the congested streets.
One thing has not changed; STM funds are slow in coming. In fact, our budget increased a bit, due to increased food and lodging costs. India is going through a hard time. We must limit the number of pastors/evangelists and their wives that can attend.
Keep praying for the $5,500. At the beginning, some significant gifts came in, but then nothing. I leave in 8 days, Friday, October 4th. In the meantime, I am preparing for two marriage and one discipleship seminars, each consisting of ten messages. I also will print books and Library/Flash media as gifts.
My Heart Hurts
It seems that each day my heart is hurt a bit more by the pain, struggles and persecution that God’s people are experiencing around the world. Some are general, like the attack on the Nairobi mall, bombings of Egyptian and Pakistan churches, but they are added to the personal situations I know.
• In Nigeria, Rev. Godstime’s little daughter, Esther, lies sick with Malaria. She recently had a transfusion due to the worsening of her condition.
• Pampa, the coordinator’s wife, has not fully recovered and suffers from heart palpitations especially when people are talking to her. May God’s light and love shine in her heart to give her peace and healing.
• Two house churches (from the fledgling Bengali churches) are struggling by their growing presence, a neighbor spreads rumors that the church is a conspiracy against the State. (The evil one’s opposition, with 1,200 families coming out of Hinduism to the Lord this past year, is obvious.)
• Also pray for several of the Bengali pastors/leaders having ministerial needs, with many more suffering the pressures of low income.
The Bengali people (3 above requests) remains the largest unreached people group in the world.
Plans have been gratefully readjusted.
Further reorganization of the BFF website, including the Amharic and Bengali libraries. (This enables me to load them to Libraries with a properly working index without much extra effort.)
The revival message on Jonah last Sunday seemed to be well used of the Lord.
There is exciting progress on the Seed Project expansion. More another time!
Above needs.
Special protection on the coordinator families and ministries.
Extra grace for my family and ministry while I am away!
Needed STM funds.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
BFF is an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious organization and able to offer receipts to contributions in the United States. Address your financial support to Biblical Foundations for Freedom (or BFF). All designated funds go to the general fund, but specified gifts are allowed: STM (overseas training), Love (helping overseas pastors/ Christian leaders and families in need). Thank you for your kind giving!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+001) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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