Pray BFF Letter #217
Friday, November 1, 2012
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“That you may be strengthened!”
“For I long to see you in order that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be strengthened; that is, that I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other’s faith, both yours and mine”
(Romans 1:11-12).

“For I long to see you in order that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be strengthened; that is, that I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other’s faith, both yours and mine”
(Romans 1:11-12).
Dear Prayer Partners,
October has raced by, but we give thanks that God has been at work building up our various graphic-oriented Christian training resources. We are glad to report:
Ten full videos for BFF marriage resources are complete.
Progress on a Bible study workbook for 1 Peter continues.
The whole new Visaya-Cebuano language training video library, “Initiating Spiritual Grow in the Church,” is now online ready for Filipinos around the world to use.
- I am also excited about creating a new teaching series for our church, “Redemption Through the Scriptures” to start in January.
Meanwhile we feel buried by the many things not yet accomplished!
Here is an update on BFF’s Tax-Exempt status. Although BFF is fully registered as a religious nonprofit here in PA, the federal level has made it very difficult for religious/charitable organizations including us. Although our renewal application has been received, the IRS cannot even review the application since they are backlogged to November 2011 (over a year!). So hundreds of nonprofits, mostly charitable ones like us, are facing the same problem. We wonder whether this is a step closer to our society’s anti-Christian stance, so pray for revival in our country.
So if you give, please continue to give through our church. (Write it to PCCO with BFF in the memo. We are so thankful for your patience and our church’s assistance during this time.)
Update on STM (Short Term Missions)
I continue to receive encouraging letters and reports from my recent visit to the Philippines. Pastors are being built up and encouraged. Despite the tedious plans that need to be laid for each trip, I am reminded of the Apostle Paul’s words, “For I long to see you in order that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be strengthened; that is, that I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other’s faith, both yours and mine” (Romans 1:11-12).
Each trip is demanding but so rewarding. Every face I see shining with God’s glorious grace mightily at work is an encouragement to me. I am so blessed. I do plan to return to the Philippines at least one more time in the fall of next year.
Do pray as I make plans to visit Central/South America in spring 2013. Basic contacts have been made and I hope to finalize some major decisions within the month. We always need to work ahead especially if we want to get translation work done.
Good start on preparations for the new course, “Redemption Through the Scriptures.”
Completion of the Visaya language training materials for the Philippines.
Grace for the preaching and teaching schedule.
Pastor L. using the marriage materials with the church.
A Chinese parenting class using our materials in California.
Guidance for next year’s STM in Central/South America.
Pray for Allison’s college fees.
Thanks so much for all of your prayers!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (412) 398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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